QotD: Arceus descends from the heavens and grants you $100m USD, tax-free. What Pokemon-related endeavours or projects would you spend it on?

I’d allocate 20m to split into grants of up to $250k each to give to various fans who are working on different archival projects, or restorations, code decompiling etc.

The rest is dedicated to buying as much land as possible in Ohio or something to make way for a pokemon theme park. It will be rad. “what would you put in a pokemon theme park” is actually not a bad QOTD perhaps. :thinking:


They already be doing this! Its just all in japanese on youtube! Learn some 日本語 (or don’t, its still pretty either way). maybe someone has fan subbed it. But I just stumbled upon it casually one day. Just random short animations. :star_struck:

edit: @Dirge

found one. Yeah they just…make these and put them out there no strings attached, and I guess they did have subtitles after all.

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I’m yugi-curious. Why do you like those three Yu-Gi-Oh cards?


Id like to donate a crap ton of pokemon packs and video games to alot of places for kids to keep the dream alive. Traveling to do that would do wonders for my heart.


I would make the Pokemon game 5yo me actually thought they would be like at this point.

@BANKS I’m getting into collecting it. The recent rarity sets were dope, 3 or 5 foils per pack. People say they don’t hold value like pokemon but after 2020 I think collecting anything has changed. Some pretty sick art. Card text is like another language though.

I don’t know enough to tell you why those particular blue eyes white dragons are special though. I don’t even know why the grammar is weird. Google says the dragon’s name is blue-eyes?

  • I’d buy a prime commercial plot in Edinburgh, somewhere like the Old Town or Princes Street. As large as possible.
  • I’d attempt to curate the highest-possible-end collection of Pokémon cards and products.
  • The rooms would walk you through 1996 - 2025, displaying the rarest set cards and trophies from each year, as well as the most iconic cards, memorabilia and products that helped define the brand and game.
  • There’d be a private room for eFourumers in which they could open free product on tap
  • Vintage & modern gaming areas, a bar, food
  • Relationship with distribution would be secured, and any sold-out popular set releases would be held back specifically for kids to open there.

The place would be a total money-sink, security, insurance and general logistics would be a total nightmare, but considering I’d probably not even be breaking half my new-found fortune, I’m pretty sure ongoing income would be well taken care of.


So basically this is a thread with a correct answer, and that answer is “open a pokemon museum”. I guess I failed since I made a thinly veiled attempt to take over the entire state of Ohio by means of opening a theme park, and using the profits to purchase more land.

A pokemon theme park would still be amazing but all that ongoing safety maintenance sounds like a headache. Museum has much lower safety standards.

Especially “The Haunted card shop owner” attraction where you get electrocuted if you take more than 5 seconds to choose a pack or look in the store binder.

Or even worse, “The Scalper tunnel” where you simulate an oxygen-depleted stampede as you’re peppered with confetti made from Champion’s Path wrappers. They say it’s quite the adrenaline rush!

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I’d buy myself a PSA 10 1st Edition Charizard and then :v:.

A few days later, I’d start wondering just how many 1st Edition Charizards I could buy.

A few years later, I’d be broke.

Finally, a few decades later, I’d have a sarcophagus built of PSA 10 1st Edition Charizards, and you’d all be watching my burial on Livestream, commenting how some of them look like weak 10s.


I’m lovin this last image so much. It’s got the vibes… like I can smell the museum air.


thousands of years later they’re studying it like the terracotta army lmao

“these ornamental dragons kept him safe in the afterlife. Notice they are all of maximum rank 10, though I wonder how this white bit on the corner snuck by the servants”


The SM-51 Variant is an Ultimate Rare which means it’s textured. It looks incredible in person and is one of the rarest variants.

The Jump Festa was the 1st Secret rare and only secret rare in the original old school Japanese format before they modernized the layout.

The Special artwork blue eyes ultimate dragon was a prize card that featured that unique artwork which was never used again.