Pull Rate Question

What has a higher pull rate, a specific full art card or a specific secret rare card per case of sealed booster boxes?

You could solve it mathematically by knowing:

  • Number of full arts in the set
  • Number of SR in the set
  • Ratio of full art for that specific set
  • Ratio of SR for that specific set

If there are a high number of full arts compared to SR in the set generally you would think it was harder to pull an exact full art, but needs to be compared to the ratio of SR to that set.

Do we have definitive ratios for different rarities’ pull rates?

Nothing definitive, just speculative.

Slight variations from set to set, but it was pretty much accepted that the BW era had a 1 in 3 chance of pulling a Secret Rare from a booster box. Meaning there would be 2 a case.

This is for English. As someone who opened way too many BW boxes for his own good I can support this number.

Meaning at least 2 boxes :grin:

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It was in the 30s, looking back I could have done so much with that money…