PSA Submission Form

Do they no longer require a date and signature? The forms I printed don’t have lines for a date or signature…

Thanks in advance! :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, they require signatures

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Thanks Gary! I thought so! :slightly_smiling_face:

Actually I noticed that on my last two submissions. Looks like they edited the form and it’s missing the signature paragraph. I didn’t even bothered to ask them whether it was needed or not. Just signed it anyway in the blank space and my submissions got processed fine.

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Awesome to hear! Glad it wasn’t just me lol

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Great, just sent away my first submission and didn’t sign anything I just checked the invisible box next to the “I’ve read the terms and conditions…” guess I should expect that to come back to me now.

they did omit the signature part. But on my very recent one, I just signed and dated it on the bottom of each copy just in case!

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No…they’ll email you for a substitute ‘email’ sig.