PSA Qualifier MK

I am curious if anyone has sent in a card that has ink spots (not factory printing issues) and how it has come out in the end. In my haste, I was buying up some cards on Ebay, and missed the fine print in the description for one of them. I found a couple of inked spots/edges on one of the cards I bought. It was mentioned in the fine print of the description but I missed it completely.

**ALWAYS READ THE DESCRIPTIONS IN FULL** Don’t get so wrapped up in the timer ticking down on the auction that you fail to read everything in full…

I am curious if anyone has sent cards like that in and what the results were. Was the grade acceptable and it just had the MK qualifier? Was the grade directly affected by the ink and it still had the qualifier? Did they not grade it at all?

Thanks for your insights and experiences!

Has anyone had any experience with this by chance?

This card seems to be a “misprint” but the ink looks literally like if someone marked it with a marker:

Seems like the grading went fine. My second guess is the card will be marked as is, but with a Stained (ST) tag.

Thanks for the info! That’s what I’m thinking too. I will probably just send it in to see what they do with it.

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Glad to help :blush:

I’m sure others wanted to help too, but your question was quite specific and difficult to answer :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck with your card grading!