PSA Boycott

20k+ card submissions?!


That’s what I was thinking lol

I do like the idea of faster turnarounds at CGC/BGS but I’m happy to wait the 5-6 months at the moment due to the higher values for the same cards in PSA cases as the other two.


I’ll take the wizard!



This cuts both ways.

If a boycott is what you want to do. You can also start buying CGC graded cards.

From what I can tell. CGC has a much tighter standard to grading than BGS.

I think one of the main reasons that PSA has such a stronghold is the fact they know that people prefer PSA to the other 2. If the market were to shift, and the gap were to narrow, they would be forced to get competitive. Submissions boycotts will only go so far. We as collectors need to start buying the card and not the number or the name on the case.

This is the only way it works. I do think that we will see a shift like this over the next year

The only reason i even mention this. Is the fact that the topic of BGs and CGC has been beat to death on standards of grading, not liking the case design, or wanting to buy from a resell perspective. Get damn good pics of the card in the case, and just buy the card. Not the “slab”


bUt ThE lAbEl is BlUe


That’s it. Only water PokĂ©mon can be graded through CGC


did king pokemon get hacked lol jk


I can’t figure out PSA’s business logic. Shouldn’t the huge backlog be an extremely high priority problem for PSA to correct? Like, THE most important thing on their minds right now? Do they not realize that they could permanently lose significant market share over this? Yes, each hobby they support is probably quite resistant to change, but there does come a point when this situation has gone too far. I suspect that once a critical mass of collectors switch to different grading services, it could be quite hard for PSA recover their lost market share.

With all the recent celebrity exposure and hype, I imagine the turnaround times are going to get even longer. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if the cheapest option (even in bulk) becomes $20/card in the near future.


I’m sending my next bulk sub to cgc and anything in the $1-10k range to bgs. Only cards I will not send to those two are slightly off centered otherwise gem mint cards that will be capped at a bgs or cgc 9.5 due to stricter centering parameters but would grade psa 10.


Seeing this right after prepping my first ludkins submission, but I suppose I can send 3 cards instead of 4


PSA Stock (CLCT) down 6.7% from October 20th all time highs

Yeah 6 month waiting time for any business is ridiculous. I would have opened an entire new facility by now and cranked every order out



The business logic goes out the window when you have a monopoly. That’s really what they have. They are the gold standard, and it’s a vicious cycle because collectors look at a BGS or CGC graded card and go “ewwwwwiee” if that changes, we might have a shot at changing their minds.

My guess is that it is not as simple as just hire more graders. That seems like it would present quality control issues anyway. This takes capital to build infrastructure, training and development, office space, policies and procedures need to be honed. This is a big expenditure, they are not in a position to have to outlay that cost, because the market is in their favor, in every way.


Truth be told, everyone is mad that they can’t arbitrage the rapid rise in PSA card prices.


Hasn’t BGS been at 12+ months for like a couple years?..


Why don’t they just hire more graders. Never understood that. You run a business and the wait time is 6+ months? That’s just ridiculous.

I have 327 cards at PSA right now that I sent a few months ago, and another ~750 cards that I’ll be sending to CGC instead. It took PSA over 2 months just to enter 2 of my subs, and I’ve been hearing far too many horror stories detailing absurdly long wait times, massive upcharges, and inconsistent grading standards.


What you you all are saying is that if I want to send out 1 card to get graded by PSA then I possibly won’t see it for a year???