PSA 9 1st edition Dark Porygon2

Hello so I mainly collect binder quality cards but I do buy some PSa 9’s here and there. I’m thinking about buying a PSA 9 1st edition Dark Porygon2. Now I checked sold listings and all of them sold for $50-$70 range with the last one selling a few months ago for $100 but that’s the only one at $100 that sold the rest were much cheaper. I checked eBay and the only ones listed are 3 different listings all asking $150. One has best offer. Long story short is $75-$100 too low of a offer if I try to find one here or offer the seller from eBay? I know it seems like a huge low ball off their price listed but sold listings doesn’t show any that sold even a penny more than $100. Second question is I know the seller sets their own price but when these cards go up by $50 in value for example fast is it simply because the seller is demanding that much or is it multiple sales usually that make it go up. For example one sells for $100 than $115 than $130 than $150 than goes up from there etc. Or does it normally go $50 card now $100. Now $150. Now $250 with big jumps? Asking for examples of patterns others see in other PSa 9 cards im somewhat of a rookie

Not sure what to offer as these have went up value pretty fast. I don’t think there is a set pattern to pricing, it always boils down to supply and demand.

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True ya I know it always varies I just thought $50 was a little high of a asking increase off only a month or two sense last one sold for $100. I also don’t want to get laughed off if I offer $75 or full $100 here. Because if you look up the card there is 3 posted for $150 but sold listings dont show anyone that’s bought at that price yet

I’d offer around the last sold price on eBay. Not what people are now listing them at.

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Actually, the last one sold for $120 earlier this month:

It was listed at $145 with BO, but I checked a best offer reveal site and it went for $120.

You have to keep in mind that just because prices were a certain way a few months ago does not mean they are going to be that way now. The market is very dynamic, especially with a set as rare, scarce and popular as Neo Destiny.

You can always try your luck with the seller, but I personally would never sell any PSA 9 1st Edition Neo Destiny holo for $75. Not even Light Azumarill, which is, by far, the least desirable holo of the set (outside of Miracle Energy, which is self-explanatory).

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Ya which is $100. Ok that’s what I was thinking I was just double checking that I’m not out of line. Now if there was only one listed or if the last sold listings were 6 months to a year the $50 would justify itself. I don’t blame them for trying to get a little extra that’s how things work. I know I paid $150 for my PSA 9 1st edition Dark Typhlosion and at the time last sold listings were much less but now none are listed anywhere close to that price. At the end of the day if I want it bad enough I’ll pay whatever asking price is. But although the Dark Porygon2 is beautiful at the end of the day its a porygon. It’s not a starter or extremely popular thats why it’s generally not something I’d instantly over pay on. Sadly I bought a ungraded one for $15 but it showed up as unlimited instead of 1st edition and now upgraded I’m seeing are $50 at that rate I rather just grab the PSA 9 especially sense the $50 ones are light played usually (and as far as the light azumarill I hear your point I wouldn’t either in my opinion even the most undesirable 1st edition holo is somewhat undervalued but I’m not complaining about that sense I don’t sell cards) In my opinion a 1at edition near mint holo should go for 3x the price of the 1st edition pack it came from. For more popular cards like any zard times by 6 instead of 3 but i don’t make prices I just buy

It’s definitely one of the least popular holos in the set, but at the same time, it’s Neo Destiny.

Ultimately, it’s your decision, and it’s entirely possible the prices of some of these cards will drop in the short term given the current economy, which means you might be able to pick it up on the cheap. However, if they don’t dip, you might miss an opportunity to grab it now while it’s still relatively affordable. The prices of WOTC holos have gone up significantly over the last six months or so. Again, barring a dip in the market, I don’t think you’re going to see 1st Edition Dark Porygon2 ever going for less than the current going rate in a PSA 9.

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Both very true as well. I edited last reply to add that I agreed about prices being kind of low. And yes I might find a deal now but I’m not depending on it. At the end of the day if I stumble across a light played for $30-$35 I might grab that or just snag a Psa 9 this week or next week. Hey how do I tag people. I see it pop up in blue when people do it but I don’t see how. I see the button for quoting but i don’t want to quote

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Just sold one of these for $72 last month…

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That sucks I was buying abunch of cards last month including the porygon but this is back when I was planning a super cheap ungraded one. If I knew it would never come I would have went for a PSa 9 like I’m thinking now. I was distracted buying shinings and crystals and completing all the other 1st edition holo’s. Done now except a missing 1st edition Erika I’m trying to buy ungraded and the porygon that I need

I’ll be getting a mint 1st edition Gym hero’s set graded pretty soon so I should be getting that Erika in a 9 or 10(probs a 9).

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I sent a message ya I’m definitely open to buying off anyone that see’s this if you happen to have the porygon ungraded for a good price or PSa 9. I’d also consider 7s or 8s depending on price but if I’m going PSa I rather have a 9. This isn’t a buy thread but open to it. Thanks for the answers to the questions guys. I was just curious other people’s opinions making conversation

@mcorey777, I might be able to help you out. Sent you a PM.

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Where are you getting your cards graded that will be soon?

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Well “soon” is relative. As soon as PSA opens back up :sweat_smile: