Psa 8 1st ed base zard vs Mint Base unlimted booster box

If that’s the case, I really need to go all in on a 1st Edition Base Charizard. You’ve sold me there!


I disagree with this, if the community will be judging someone’s “status” based on what specific normative cards they own instead of celebrating unique collecting goals and achievements…it may not be the type of community I’d participate in.

Don’t buy cards just because you think others will think you’re cool for doing so.


I don’t think that’s the case here, but to me this pretty much sums up the majority of the collecting community on Instagram.


Collect for yourself, not for others


Looks better on display.
Takes up less storage space.

I wasn’t getting at that. It works the same as anything in life. Certain material possessions can be had and seen as a symbol of status. That doesn’t have anything to do with the purpose that someone obtained said item.

Someone might want a Rolex watch (seen as a symbol of status). The person buying didn’t necessarily buy it to impress anyone. He bought it bc he wanted it. A Rolex is always seen as a cool watch bc they’re generally more expensive than most other brands.

A high grade 1st Edition Base Zard will be a symbol of status in the future in the small collecting community.

@piezers, I mean it pretty much already is. Post a pic of one on instagram(hell just take a screenshot off of google) and people go nuts. It’s kinda crazy how much excitement that card causes but it pretty much is the michael jordan of this hobby so I understand it

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ask your wife, or girlfriend. option 3 would be your mom. they are always right.

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Imo for strictly investment purposes with the intention of reselling I would go for the unltd booster box, but I’d buy the charizard simply because I want to own it :blush: