PSA 10 with tiny indentation

I’m new to collecting graded cards and recently bought a PSA 10 Neo Destiny Shining Celebi. When I received it, I noticed it has a tiny indentation in the foil, about 0.5-0.6mm long. It appears to have occurred at the factory since there are no ink spots in the indentation. The rest of the card looks perfect. Is this acceptable on a 10? I sent an email to PSA yesterday morning but they haven’t responded yet. I’m really not interested in less than a 10 on this, so if it’s overgraded, I’ll try to return it.

So if I told you it was OK for a PSA 10 to have this, you would want it? If I told you it wasn’t, you wouldn’t want it?
The damage is there and doesn’t change whether or not you or PSA or I acknowledge it. PSA has deemed it a 10. It’s up to you whether you are tolerable of the dent or if it bothers you enough that you want a different copy.

To answer your question directly, in my opinion I don’t think this was an oversight on PSA’s part. Some degree of flaw is tolerable on PSA 10s, this is extremely minor.



Exactly what OP did

It does bother me a little. Not sure if it’s enough to return it though. I have been trying to learn about PSA’s grading standards so I know what to expect from certain grades. I know 10s can have very minor defects, but I have read that they are very picky about dents and typically give a 6 to a card with a tiny dent. I agree this is very minor, and if a dent this tiny is okay on a 10, maybe I’m just being too picky. :blush:

@swolepoke LOL

It would bother me. Especially it being on the front.

PSA 10 doesn’t guarantee it’s perfect in every way. It has to fit inside parameters. Keep in mind that cards are graded by people and that as people we make mistakes like missing a small indent like that. If you’re happy with the card then keep it. If not you may want to consider getting a copy you are happy with. PSA can review it but it costs and most likely they wouldn’t find anything wrong with that. Also email response times are a bit slow right now. Give it a week.

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They overall tend to be more lenient on factory damage. For example, a couple of my shinings have a large indentation on the back that was clearly from the process of stamping the foil onto the pokemon. They still are graded 9 though when normally something like that would drop it to a 6 if it was non-factory damage.


I’m more curious what you used to take that high-res picture (not even joking, lol)


Same! The crowd deserves to know!

@cman Canon EOS m5 + EF lens adapter + Kenko extension tubes + EF 50mm f/1.8 and a bright desk lamp


If you can’t see it without doing all this, doesn’t that kind of make it invisible? Confused.


PSA just eye balls it under bright light for the most part. You’re grading on different level

It’s actually pretty easy to see. It’s bright silver and reflects at a different angle to the rest of the foil.

Just buy the grade and not the card and you’ll live a nice happy stress free life.


Yes, you’re being waaaaay tooooooo picky. If you blew up pics of Margot Robbie like that, you’d end up with the Wicked Witch of the West.


Can you show a picture of what it looks like to the naked eye? If it catches light really bad and it being in the foil I wouldn’t want it even on a 9.

Not that it couldn’t deserve a 9 or a 10 though as others have said it all depends on what it looks like without magnification.

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If you’re not happy with it get it regraded or phone them saying you would like a psa 9 grade please :joy: let’s be real that ain’t gonna happen

This is a mere 10.1 on OP’s 1-10.9999994 grading scale. Unacceptable!