Print runs of different sets

Wondering if there is any actual information available regarding the amount of product actually produced for each set.
If there is no official information speculative information would also be appreciated.

Things such as number of booster boxes, blisters, tins etc.

Sadly the answer is no.

Base-Jungle-Fossil = LOADS UPON LOADS. More than you can imagine
Later WOTC = Fewer and fewer as each set went by, still quite a bit for many sets
EX Series = Quite low, varying throughout, some of the lowest print runs.
D&P-HGSS = Low, varying throughout, increasing towards the end but some of the lower print runs in here as well.
Black and White = Increasing throughout mostly. Higher than last few eras. Not nearly WOTC levels.
XY= Increasing throughout mostly. Higher than last few eras. Not nearly WOTC levels.
SM(and reprinted late XY)-current = LOADS UPON LOADS. More than you can imagine.

That is my speculation and unfortunately it is terribly inaccurate guesswork and about as good as you will get.