Is there some rough est of product that exists for sets?

Just a question I was wondering about earlier, which I assume most likely the answer is no to (primarily for non-recent sets) - but yea, as the title states. Is there some sort of known rough estimate of the amount of product, ie booster boxes, that were printed for specific sets? Or if perhaps a rough estimate isn’t known, is there some sort of accepted general knowledge of which sets were printed much more relative to others?

IE it seems accepted knowledge that Skyridge had a pretty small print run, just as the rest of the e series. Is there some sort of generally accepted ranking of what has the most product out there? IE:

Sun and Moon Era most product produced, XY era 2nd most, HGSS era 3rd, DPP 4th most, Neo era 5th most, Base/Original Era 6th most, EX series era 7th most, E-Card series least most, etc.?

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If you mean a rough estimate in terms of quantity printed, I don’t think so.

However, if you watch Scott’s videos, I believe he does mention a rough ranking of the print runs done, and which one seems more scarce than others. It was also mentioned in other threads.

Base - A lot
Jungle - more than a lot
Fossil - way more than a lot
Rocket - more than a lot
Gyms - a lot
Reprint sets - a lot
E series - not that much
OG ex era - so so
D&P era - no one really cares about it
HGSS era - so so
B&W - a lot
XY - a lot × 9000^9000