Price Check Spring Battle Road Pikachu

My wife posted this, her favorite and 1st PSA card, on her IG. And asked me what it was worth now. I couldn’t find an answer. Any of you have an idea?

Victory Medal Spring Battle Road 2010.


If I’m not mistaken this card has crossed the $1,000 threshold. If not it must be pretty close.

I did look at Pokémon price but none sold in any grade. Then I checked the pop report and it shows there are 2 PSA 10s. Is that right?

It’s probably right for that specific version of the card. It seems like the same art was used for years between 2006-7 and 2010-11 so there are other cards that were printed in different years that have the exact same art, but the date on the bottom left would be different. I think the pop of all years combined is around 20

Edit: Or the pop may be around half that as I think I was counting the autumn victory medal as well

All of them from 2006-2007 (when they started I believe) to 2010 appear to be low pop (5ish or less). It seems like people don’t discriminate about the actual year/season it was awarded in as they all have the same art except for the stamp. This artwork is also available on the apparently much more readily available Japanese Victory Medals. Plus these cards aren’t super popular right now. It’s possible with more recognition you start to see differences between the years given how difficult they are to find, but for now people (from what I can tell) seem to just want any victory medal.

Also, unless this was the 2009-2010 season, it actually doesn’t make sense for this to be released in 2010. At the time, every promo had the HGSS card layout which has rustic borders. I would double check the copyright date. I could be wrong about the exact release year to year and season to season, but it’s something I noticed.

EDIT: Seems like @eyesofmadara beat me to it AND I was kinda wrong about the last part. It was the 2009-2010 season so you’re good there. The 2010-2011 is when they switched the card layout and started using the Johto starters.

The copywriter line does say 2010.
Do any Pikachu collectors have these graded and copywrite 2010?

You have 20-30 copies at PSA that will be labeled 2010? What value should the 2010 one have in PSA 10?