Price check on Japanese Ho-Oh ex 076/PCG-P - CoroCoro promo?

I hate to make a simple price check thread, especially for something that isn’t a high-end item, but I have absolutely combed eBay (and plenty of other sites) trying to get a fix on this, with no luck.

There’s exactly one on eBay. It’s from a Japanese seller (and kind of beat up) for $218, with seemingly no sold listings. That seems like a stretch, but given that I can’t find one anywhere else, maybe not.

Anybody able to give me a read on what this is worth? Many thanks, and sorry again for the clutter thread.

here is a copy on mercari for ¥ 13,122

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It’s hard to say. It’s a card nobody talks about with very few sales and very hard to find mint and centered that’s why it’s super low pop as well.
I have a 10 candidate going to PSA eventually, probably getting it back in 2 years.


Here is the PWCC auction. It’s a hard to find card with low pop but has minimal interest. Will just take some time to find. Best of luck :heart_eyes:

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Thanks for that! I was actually asking because I have one (raw and not mint) I found in a box of “junk” I was throwing on eBay and couldn’t figure out how to price it. Ended up throwing it up at $200 with an offer option; maybe somebody will bite eventually.

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I sold the PSA 10 copy through PWCC. Had 2 PSA 10’s and wanted to see what kind of interest it would generate. I’ve only seen 2 ungraded copies on YJ in the last couple of years. Both were in played condition. Definitely a very scarce card in any condition.