Price check Legend Maker unopened booster box

My dream box, curious what people think it’s worth in the current market?

I don’t follow booster box prices but I’m going to throw a guess to see how close I am. Hmm let’s say 6.3k I’m pretty sure it was around 4k before prices went up

If language isn’t an issue you can get a chinese EX legend maker booster box for about $250 US buy it now on ebay. A mere fraction of what an english one would cost you if you just want to save your money. Otherwise a very rough guess of $5000 in english, probably more honestly.

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Wow definitely not into Chinese cards but this is a good cheap idea

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One sold for $4900 on eBay two days ago. So probably in the $5-6k range.

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Yah I mean why not right? Literally pick ANY vintage booster box in ANY language and none of them can even come close to how cheap these ones are.

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Chinese Legend Maker is extremely common though. I remember reading somewhere that there was an individual with literally hundreds of boxes who dumped them all a couple years ago. But it is tough to go wrong for the price, I guess.

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@sacari I can garentee some people will start looking to other languages for cheaper prices it’s already somewhat common for Japanese. I wouldn’t be surprised if foreign languages boost in popularity later leading to price increases for those as well

The only issue’s that a large part of what drives the Pokemon card market seems to be nostalgia – and collecting non-English cards just doesn’t do it for me (and probably most other native English speakers, who seem to comprise most of the Pokemon market). I think Japanese is, and will continue to be, the lone exception since it’s the original Pokemon language.

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Ya I agree and if I was going to buy a different language it would be Japanese. Also on another note unlimited cards are generally pretty cheap assuming you don’t want only Psa 10’s so other languages will probably be much slower which is probably why it’s still so cheap for that particular box. Favorite card from this set is Mew ex beautiful card :-). Good luck on finding your box

@zorloth, Of course, it’s not for everyone. Just another option to consider.

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Could you post a link for the listing? Only one I can see currently is the $3250 sale by PWCC.

Had a legend maker and power keepers box. Sold it 2 years ago for 4.5k. T.T

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Seller didn’t include “booster” in the title, which is probably why it didn’t show up for you.

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