PokemonPrice.com - June 2020 Update

** Mods if this should go in the Articles, Guides and Resources area feel free to move it **

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you all know that I built something that I hope will make working out market price for PSA graded Pokemon cards a little easier. If you want to take a look it’s a pokemonprice.com :blush:

It’s still a work in progress, there’s a lot more that I’ll be adding but it’s just a matter of finding the time to work on it as I do this in my spare time … and with my daughter not even one year old yet, there isn’t much of that!

If anyone finds any bugs or problems with set/card names or things not displaying properly let me know and I’ll try to fix them asap (I know there are currently some issues with the layout on mobile devices). Alternatively if you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them, feel free to post them or PM me.

A quick summary of features and general information regarding the site at the moment:

  • The site stores PSA population and price data for all English set cards, currently updating every 5 days.
  • The list of cards in a set page has a quick way to toggle between variants (Eg. 1st edition, prerelease, trainer deck etc) and see the last sold price for a card, filterable for all grades.
  • Each individual card page has a sortable & searchable table for all sales data.
  • Individual card pages also have a responsive and filterable line graph plotting price and population data for all grades.
  • Site is currently on a shared cloud server, I can scale up if it’s running too slow.
  • Population data only started getting recorded in March so the population graphs will be pretty uninteresting early on.

These are things on my todo list that I’ll be looking at adding over time (in no particular order):

  • Analytics page containing tables and charts with interesting or just easy to access data, such as:
    • Which cards gained or lost the most value (as a percentage) over the past 30 days.
    • Which cards have seen the biggest increase in population over the past 30 days.
    • Lists of specific popular card types that are spread over multiple sets so you can view their data easily in the one place instead of having to open multiple set list pages (Eg. Gold stars, crystals, shinings etc.).
    • Cards that have hit all time highs or lows over the past 30 days.
    • Average set values based on card grade and recent sales (Eg. The cost of a PSA 10 1st edition Jungle set). This will probably have a ‘holos only’ filter if you didn’t care for the non holos in the set.
    • Probably more analytics as I think of them.
  • Sealed box sales data to help determine current market sealed box prices.
  • Japanese sets and promo cards (Eg. Play promos, fan club, pokecenter exclusives like Mario Pikachu etc).
  • Collection tracking (don’t expect this one anytime soon). Basically a way for you to create an account, add your graded cards to your own inventory that shows your total collection value based on recent sales, a chart plotting total collection value over time so you can get a high level view on the growth of your collection over time, ability to see the current prices for your cards easily in a table etc.).

Thats all I could remember that I wanted to do off the top of my head, anyway it’s months worth of development there already so there’s plenty to keep me busy. Like I said if you’ve got something you’d like to see feel free to let me know and I’ll add it to the list.

If you’ve read this far, thanks and I hope the resource helps you in some way. Cheers!


Hey! The site looks amazing and the work is remarkable! I was just wondering if POP/promo PSA cards are tucked away somewhere in the site?

Thanks for this Pierce! It’s an amazing tool. Only suggestion, aesthetically, would be having a little more content or visuals show up on the Home screen. Else maybe name the Home “about” and have the home be the Sets. If that makes sense?

In any case, I’m already using the site daily- thanks a ton!

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This is very helpful, especially for new collectors like me :blush:
Thank you for creating such a valuable tool!

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Getting a 500 Request Timed Out error here in 'murica when I try to open the Base Set page

@pierce really awesome work! I can see lot of collectors including me using this!

Edit: I found another Pokemon Prices tool online, is that your development too? It has the same name!


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Wow! This site is amazing! How did you make it?

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Clicked on a couple of the set names but never loaded?

Me too

Same here with trying to reach e-series sets (Europe)

It doesn’t seem to be loading right now. Tried a couple of sets.

Would it be possible to implement a search bar where you could just type pokemon and expansion?

By the way, I was using your azurewebsites page, great work my man, very very appreciated!!!

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great work man :blush: people like you are true gems to the community!

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Really cool, but very buggy still. I’m very excited to use this once it starts firing on all cylinders!

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Let me know if you want historical pop report data and in which format.

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That’s quite a site!
Are there really 80 different kinds of Pokemon sets?

Hey guys sorry about that. The site is cloud hosted and I’m still working out the scaling required for server/database power - the database was set too low and was hitting 100% DTUs. I’ve upped that just then and the sets page is loading again. If anyone notices timeouts or pages running slow let me know and I’ll tweak the settings some more. I imagine there’ll be some more teething issues until I get it right :blush:

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So GOOD! Great work Pierce!

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Not yet I just started with English set releases, I’ll be adding those once I finish off a few other things though, so they’re coming :blush:

No that one isn’t mine, if they ever shut down I’ll take their domain name though haha.

It was built with Visual Studio using ASP.NET MVC5 and the data comes from a lot of scraping.

Yeah I can add a search bar to the menu up the top, I’ll add it to the todo list. Thanks, that azurewebsites link will still work, it’s the same site I just added the domain name and prettied it up a bit :blush:

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Thank you.

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