Pokemon Extra Battle Day Promos (395-397/SM-P)

So i finally talked to the guy in person.
Seems i misinterpreted his previous msgs.
Let me just get this tldr out of the way:
There is no factory defect, it was just a misunderstanding on my part (having different tongues, things get lost in translation).

The problem: back of card, upper left corner.
Some kind of “watermark” that looks like it was wet by a drop of water then dried with a hair blower. (No pics, he didnt bring it).
I showed him my card, and we looked at other cards in some shops, the issue isnt there. Told me i was too picky with the pinpoint foil issue i showed him. Lol

Tldr: false alarm, relax, we good.

You guys have probably seen it on some websites, but if you want pics, i’ll post them on my collection thread. :blush:

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