Pokémon Book

Anyone know if there is a good informative book out there on Pokémon cards in English? History, facts, statistics, etc.

Jokes aside, I don’t think there is. There are some corny ones from the 90s and 2000s but there isn’t a comparable English equivalent to the silver bible.

closest would be those unofficiql beckett price guides from olden times.

There’s a book by PrimetimePokémon that’s pretty good!


A lot of haters on it here though. Probably a mix of jealousy they don’t have any publication to their names and fair criticism.

The book is pretty much universally condemned by serious collectors. It’s just not good.

The silver bible would be the best possible book, but that is in Japanese and from the 1990s.

Here is the best resource. It has every card from 1996-1999:




  • What was the book? The link doesn’t work anymore

Also, if someone could compile efour threads into a comprehensive history of the tcg, I know there would be some money to be made. I think other books have been condemned because they go too much into card pricing which is constantly changing as the hobby evolves. A book that includes card prices will become obsolete 6 months after publication.
Lastly, I used to collect books and I love this Pokeanatomy book. I know that it’s not what was being asked for. But as far as unofficial books go, this book is up there with the best. It even has risen significantly in price since it’s limited release. www.ebay.com/itm/Pokenatomy-The-Unofficial-Pokemon-Anatomy-Guide-Book-Chris-Stoll-Leather-Ver/313027564201?hash=item48e1e592a9:g:YZAAAOSwGf5eIemj BTW, this is not my listing and I have no idea who the seller is. My copy sits on my bookshelf.


@smpratte As mentioned above, the link doesn’t work. Based on the link and since you mentioned 1996-1999, I assume you mean the silver Pokémon Bible? That one is only Japanese though, not English.


Yes its the “official 2000 pokemon book”. Otherwise known as the bible. Here is another link, most are japanese sellers, so maybe it doesn’t appear for certain regions:
