Platinum rising rivals booster box

Hi guys

Any one got a rough idea on what this box is worth?



Is that usd ? So in AUD around 450 500 bucks ?

Yeah. I actually opened 26 blisters recently. Graded two LV. X in PSA 10. They both sold for $350+. Pop is very low in that set right now.

So would it be worth opening and hope to grade some or nah?

You could do a box or you could do this. Not sure what your intent was buying a box for.

I pulled 2 Lv. X and 1 Flying Pikachu Secret rare from this. Not saying you will have the same luck though. I don’t know what the pull rates are on traditional boxes. I also only paid $170 for them a couple months back…

Also you can keep an eye on this seller to see if he stocks Rising Rivals. Always had very good luck with his loose lots at half the prices of boxes.

Nah i own a box just dont know if i should open or keep it longer :blush:

You wont make your money back for sure… But if you do open it let me know as I would love to complete my master set lol…

Have had my Eyes on the last seller for a while, not daring to buy because of the ammount of bad feedback he relatively often recieves. However you have had a pleasant experience dealing with this seller then? So not weighed loose packs and was the packaging good? :blush:

I’ve bought 36 loose packs of Call of Legends, Flashfire, and Plasma Freeze. None were weighed

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Glad to hear that! ^^

Same for me, I have wanted to buy from that seller on numerous occasions but he gets so much negative feedback I never went through with it.

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He has negative feedback because hes generally just an asshole. Just don’t communicate with him.

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