PC Sealed Green Wing Base Set Booster Box.. with a flaw!

Hi everyone! I don’t deal with sealed product too often but I have a booster box I’d like to get a second opinion on. I’ve received a few offers and I don’t really know whether they are fair or if I’m being too picky. I have a sealed green wing Charizard Base Set booster box with a tear the plastic, but with all of the WOTC logos and the rest of the seal intact. Multiple country codes and obviously not shadowless so I’m not trying to factor that into the value, just trying to factor in the rarity of the box itself.

I see the last one went on eBay for $5,000 (or a best offer, I can’t see it in the listing) and there are two others listed for $5,000 but those are the only ones. Any help is greatly appreciated guys! Happy holidays!!


I’m not super knowledgeable about these but can’t you “peak” at the booster packs to confirm it is Shadowless or not?

Logos + all codes = not shadowless as OP stated already.

As for the price, its a tough one. The person going for it is a pure collector, since paying double for a base box would mean they aren’t attempting to open. Usually a small slit or cut in the wrapper would normally appeal to someone who may open at a discount, but this variation clearly isn’t the case. Since they can snag a cleaner copy at 5K, I would think yours would be worth around 20-30% less IMO.

The last one didn’t sell for $5000. It’s a best offer listing, but because there’s 2 available we can’t see the price it sold for. Maybe ask the seller?

The one prior to that sold for $3500. I wouldn’t value your box much more than $3000 tbh… so if you received offers higher than that, I think it’s a fair price.

$3000 is actually what a well known member here was asking for his not very long ago.