Origin of these Japanese holo energies

Does anyone know the origin of these Japanese holo energies?
They have the codes:
R8P-6AH-JE8 (2003)
2FT-UHJ-RUX (2003)
N13-516-41C (2003)

2FT-UHU-4MK (2006)
N13-516-SGB (2006)


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EX Emerald for the Grass one. So I assume all are EX-series

(Google 2nd result, do a better job at googling man :wink:

I am aware of the EX Emerald holo energies but these are the Japanese holo energies, and EX Emerald is not a series that was released in Japan (at least, not as the EX Emerald set. EX Emerald is a mix of cards previously available in decks and as promos and whatnot). I’m looking for the origin of the Japanese energies. :wink:


Maybe their source are the Japanese half decks that supplied art/cards for the EX Emerald sets on English release.

From what I’ve seen, those decks have energies with similar artwork what we have on English ex Power Keepers… So these holo energies similar to the ex Emerald ones are a mystery for me too. I was thinking about Gift Box Emerald too but I watched an opening of one and energies from that were normal non-holo ones.

Maybe those energies are product given out on leagues or something? There is no set symbol or anything. I’ve tried to find out but I just can’t find any information.

Yeah that is a possibility but the decks I have of that era all contain regular energies. I’d like to know definitively what product they came from but I can’t figure it out using bulbapedia’s vague articles on energies.

Bulbapedia credits it as:

Maybe just TPC being nice for non-Japanese players and making special holofoils? But… this doesn’t apply to the Fire/Fighting energies

That still doesn’t tell us where they’re from. If they’re promos, what promotional event or if they’re part of a set/half deck/gift box

Bump, still don’t know the origin but hoping someone might know (or that someone knows someone who might know).

I hate those HOLO energy’s. I have loads in English and Japanese and have no clue where they’re all from. Are any worth more than the others? We need an e4 HOLO energy expert;)

Don’t think they should be worth too much, maybe you would get good value trading these to Japanese players.

They are all from Sets but they are unnumbered, so they aren’t in the set lists on Bulbapedia, so not any sort of promotional release. Emerald ones are in Japanese ADV Magma Aqua, the others are Holon Phantoms



Yep, what was said above. Pretty big energy collector here (well, cosmo’s holo energy ones) and as far as I am aware those are just from regular sets. Tons of variations of those throughout the years, but are usually numbered promos.

What is the highest value holo energy? What $$$$?

No real answer to that in my experience, none of the cosmo are really worth anything significant. Raw, maybe the 2002 battle road set? Then maybe the 09 or 10 gym challenge sets? All pretty cheap.

The most expensive ones I have seen are the recent ones which look like holos base set energies.

Thanks for the info. I found a video of a guy opening some japanese aqua vs magma packs and that confirmed what you guys are saying. Do you guys also know if they can appear as first editions or do first edition packs simply contain unlimited energies?