Online marketplaces for different countries

There is a new auction house :

Seems like pwcc but you need to pay to get an account for bidding. I don’t know if it is legit or not.

Interesting. I tried buying from them once and was unable to get them to ship to me in the US. I wonder if that’s changed or if it was a particular employee. Finding Chinese middlemen can be difficult.

Yeah they apparently don’t ship to the US. Apparently they do to Canada if you wanna fisnd someone from there who can help you out.

Hello, I want something like buyee for South Korea; possible consolidation, trustworthy and no exaggerated fees. Does someone have experience with any korean middlemen site that can recommend? Thanks

Try messaging eBay sellers located in South Korea and ask if they have the card or could help you find the card for a fee.

An alternative is make an Instagram account and find Korean collectors. Will either find someone in South Korea or someone who has a connection directly.

The thing is I dont want one specific card, I want all korean mewtwo stuff and theres a lot of stuff I dont even know exists. I want to be able to be roaming in the korean marketplaces and if I see a something I previously didnt know about buy it. Also with the option of storing and consolidating, hence a site like buyee this is a site i have gotten some stuff through one friend but he said it was a bit pain to get an order made, don’t know any better than that but you can give it a try, adding this also to the original post

Added for Italy and ruten + for taiwan, info gotten from this and this thread so thanks for hints!


Thank you for these guides!!

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