Niche tyranitar buy list + minty ttars welcome

New Post:
ISO Tyranitar Prime reverse holo Unlimited, any condition.
Heavy Play-300
Moderate Play-350
Light Play-400
Near Mint/Mint-500+

Old post:
Looking for the Japanese unlimited ttar prime, holo and reverse holo. Starting at $100 each, the price can go up if the condition is LP or better. Price is USD and shipping is either to my USA middleman or to myself in canada. Thanks

PS looking for other obscure tyranitar cards… heres the buylist
Meiji 2002 ttar steelix or ttar gatr: $50 each (NM only)
Mint japanese dark tyranitar (trr) non holo unl $25
Mint english 2005 championship deck ttar $50

Ill add to this list over time, but if you have something cool thats ttar please reach out !! Keeping purchases to under $500 per item until i knock off all my needs, then ill work on upgrading for higher conditions where necessary.

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There is an unlimited L2 holo I can get you on Buyee for 1800 yen plus their fees. I have another couple of weeks of warehouse storage.m before I need to ship everything to the US.

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Please send me a link i couldnt find it in my searches, ill get it on my buyee account and send you a gratuity

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Unless it’s a trick of the light, this looks Unlimited

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Well, its bought now either way. If its a 1st ed one thats OK. I have a family of 1sts it can join. Pm me your paypal

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Awesome! I hope it’s unlimited! I searched about 40 pages for the reverse holo but I couldn’t even find the 1st edition :frowning:

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I snagged a reverse holo last night on yahoo! Thats gona be a headache to find in unlimited…

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@parkermrparker not sure how long you’ve been looking for the reverse holo prime, but you might want to set an eBay search if you haven’t already. For some reason they seem to be exceedingly hard to find. It took me a year to find an Ampharos one, and to this day I’ve only seen a total of three (the one I bought, one that looked like it went through a washing machine, and a graded 10)

Thanks, Ill have to do that. I’ve been trying to check as much as possible for any tyranitar but i probably miss some things by not being specific. When you say you’ve only seen 3 do you mean only 3 reverse holo unlimited prime ampharos or only 3 unlimited prime ampharos

Reverse holo prime, but actually I’ve never even seen a single unlimited, all were 1st edition. For about a year straight I would just search “Ampharos” in eBay every day and check every single listing since the previous day, to try to find raw cards that I needed for my graded master set. During that whole process I only ever saw three reverse holo primes. Actually I didn’t even know they existed in the first place until probably half a year in.

Zzzzz ouch, thats too much looking for me. I thought you meant the reverse unlimited. I was lucky and found my reverse 1st in about 5 days of looking, but i found it on yahoo japan, a more natural cave for the tyranitar compared to ebay… I am not looking forward to hunting down the reverse unlimited. It will be fun :roll_eyes:

Yeah I think that one is going to take you a while. I personally haven’t seen either Ampharos Prime in unlimited. It seems like they barely printed any, so I’m guessing Tyranitar will be just as hard to find.

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Ill pray for us


Not to be the bearer of bad news, but it took me a decade to find Voltorb, Electrode, and Electrode Prime in unlimited reverse with near daily checks. I had several searches bookmarked so all I needed to do was open them every day to see if anything new popped up.


Im blessed that in the last year a decades worth of stuff has sold, so i might get lucky finding it sooner than 10! I hope :dizzy_face:



Need japanese spirit link in UNLIMITED. $10+ for any condition, minty $30

Bandit ring EX need it in UNLIMITED. $15 any condition $40 if minty


Bandit ring Mega EX UNLIMITED $30 any condition $75 if minty


Bandit ring full art unlimited $40 any condition $120 if minty


XY10 Awakening Psychic King UNLIMITED, $15 any condition $50 if minty