Hi guysI’m putting together a Japanese Neo Binder and I’m missing a couple of cards. Among them are the Neo Destiny H P Q T W variants of Unown from Neo Destiny and I just can’t find them, which is why I’m wondering whether they were part of the Japanese release or not. According to Bulbapedia both the English and the Japanese release consited of 113 cards so they should be, right?!
Japanese Neo expansion 4…Interestingly, these were the secondary market prices from 2001 lol.
Price Rarity Color Level Poke # Card Name
$10.00 H Lv36 #181 Dark Ampharos
$10.00 H Lv39 #169 Dark Crobat
$10.00 H Lv29 #232 Dark Donaphan
$11.00 H Lv32 #196 Dark Espeon
$12.00 H Lv44 #160 Dark Feraligatr
$10.00 H Lv32 #094 Dark Gengar
$10.00 H Lv32 #229 Dark Houndoom
$10.00 H Lv28 #233 Dark Porygon2
$11.00 H Lv35 #212 Dark Scizor
$10.00 H Lv28 #157 Dark Typhlosion
$10.00 H Lv35 #248 Dark Tyranitar
$12.00 H Lv47 #059 Gentle Arcanine
$10.00 H Lv37 #184 Gentle Azumarill
$13.00 H Lv47 #149 Gentle Dragonite
$10.00 H Lv32 #176 Gentle Togetic
$11.00 H Miracle Energy
$120.00 T Lv18 #251 Shiny Celebi (Triple Star)
$110.00 T Lv61 #006 Shiny Charizard (Triple Star)
$90.00 T Lv40 #141 Shiny Kabutops (Triple Star)
$120.00 T Lv63 #150 Shiny Mewtwo (Triple Star)
$90.00 T Lv24 #164 Shiny Noctowl (Triple Star)
$110.00 T Lv30 #026 Shiny Raichu (Triple Star)
$100.00 T Lv53 #208 Shiny Steelix (Triple Star)
$100.00 T Lv41 #248 Shiny Tyranitar (Triple Star)
$3.00 R Lv28 #168 Dark Ariados
$3.00 R Lv36 #219 Dark Magcargo
$3.00 R Lv33 #139 Dark Omastar
$4.00 R Lv28 #217 Dark Ursaring
$3.00 R Lv27 #199 Dark Slowking
$4.00 R Lv35 #148 Gentle Dragonair
$2.50 R Lv33 #171 Gentle Lanturn
$2.50 R Lv37 #166 Gentle Ledian
$2.50 R Lv65 #068 Gentle Machamp
$2.50 R Lv43 #221 Gentle Piloswine
$5.00 R Lv16 #201 Unown G
$5.00 R Lv16 #201 Unown H
$5.00 R Lv16 #201 Unown W
$5.00 R Lv22 #201 Unown X
$1.00 U Lv38 #113 Chansey
$1.00 U Lv28 #159 Dark Croconaw
$1.00 U Lv25 #103 Dark Exeggutor
$1.00 U Lv25 #180 Dark Flaaffy
$1.50 U Lv30 #205 Dark Foretress
$1.00 U Lv18 #093 Dark Haunter
$1.00 U Lv30 #224 Dark Octillery
$1.00 U Lv18 #139 Dark Omastar
$1.00 U Lv26 #247 Dark Pupitar
$1.00 U Lv27 #156 Dark Quilava
$2.00 U Lv24 #040 Dark Wigglytuff
$1.00 U Lv40 #087 Gentle Dewgong
$1.00 U Lv37 #136 Gentle Flareon
$1.00 U Lv36 #055 Gentle Golduck
$1.00 U Lv31 #135 Gentle Jolteon
$1.00 U Lv37 #067 Gentle Machoke
$1.00 U Lv39 #038 Gentle Ninetails
$1.00 U Lv33 #080 Gentle Slowbro
$1.00 U Lv41 #134 Gentle Vaporeon
$1.00 U Lv36 #049 Gentle Venomoth
$2.00 U Lv33 #040 Gentle Wigglytuff
$1.00 U Lv27 #106 Heracross
$1.25 U Lv31 #106 Hitmonlee
$1.25 U Lv21 #123 Scyther
$2.25 U Lv11 #201 Unown C
$2.25 U Lv13 #201 Unown P
$2.25 U Lv12 #201 Unown Q
$2.25 U Lv9 #201 Unown Z
$0.25 C Lv15 #155 Cyndaquil
$0.25 C Lv14 #147 Dratini
$0.25 C Lv12 #102 Exeggcute
$0.25 C Lv12 #092 Gastly
$0.25 C Lv29 #203 Girafarig
$0.25 C Lv26 #207 Gligar
$0.25 C Lv14 #058 Growlithe
$0.25 C Lv31 #107 Hitmonchan
$0.25 C Lv16 #228 Houndoom
$0.25 C Lv11 #039 Jigglypuff
$0.25 C Lv12 #246 Larvitar
$0.25 C Lv18 #165 Ledyba
$0.25 C Lv16 #066 Machop
$0.25 C Lv33 #226 Mantine
$0.25 C Lv16 #179 Mareep
$0.25 C Lv14 #231 Phanpy
$0.25 C Lv13 #204 Pineco
$0.50 C Lv24 #137 Porygon
$0.25 C Lv14 #054 Psyduck
$0.25 C Lv16 #223 Remoraid
$0.25 C Lv11 #086 Seel
$0.25 C Lv28 #218 Slugma
$0.25 C Lv42 #192 Sunflora
$0.25 C Lv14 #191 Sunkern
$0.25 C Lv13 #220 Swinub
$0.25 C Lv13 #175 Togepi
$0.25 C Lv18 #158 Totodile
$1.00 C Lv19 #201 Unown L
$1.00 C Lv19 #201 Unown S
$1.00 C Lv12 #201 Unown T
$1.00 C Lv10 #201 Unown V
$0.25 C Lv11 #048 Venonat
$0.25 C Lv15 #037 Vulpix
$2.50 R T Rocket’s Satellite Machine
$2.50 R T Gadget Backpack
$2.50 R T Red Tower
$2.50 R T Elekid on the Rocks
$2.50 R T Power Helmet
$1.00 U T Claw Glove
$1.00 U T Energy Machine
$1.00 U T Energy Stadium
$1.00 U T Imakuni Lucky Stadium
$1.00 U T Ryhorn Trainer
$1.00 U T Team Rocket’s Moon
$1.00 U T Golbat Ring
$0.25 C T Bill’s Computer
$0.25 C T Healing Powder
Well that confirms that the set is congruent in English and Japanese, but are the cards actually so scarce that there’s not even one of them on ebay?
I have a couple sets that took forever to complete the unown’s but I don’t recall which they were, as it’s been nearly 20 years.
Of course some were rares and some were Commons/uncommons
Hmm interesting … is this one of the variants? I think they might have them all, forgive me if im wrong. I think I just realized, woops you said Japanese lol.
Gotcha, so I just have to keep looking.
I might have PQT, I’ll have to check.
@jan123henrik, I have all destiny unowns japanese, minty;) I’m not sure if deals are also done here:D