Need help finding information on 04 Tropical Wind Promo

With Worlds going on and them switching up to a new promo. This has lead me to want to dive into the first worlds promo. I know the 04 Tropical Winds has a Stamped 04 version and a unstamped version. Every time I try to look up if they where distributed I hit a dead end. Where they given out at different times?

I believe unstamped were distributed to spectators so much more common while stamped were for competitors - not sure if that answers the question?


This answers my question alright. Thank you so very much.

From what I’ve heard from people who were there there were less than 500 of the stamped version given out vs A LOT of unstamped for spectators

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the stamped versions were given to the players and judges. The 2004 WC wasn’t as big as the later versions. So my estimate is indeed around 500 given out.
The unstamped were given to spectators and visitors of Pokemon Rocks America (not sure of this name is correct) but that was a show going on outside of the building.

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