My first post

Hey guys my first post here,

This is partially because I need 50 in order to make a buy post (I think that’s a little high) but it is what it is.

If you have handy tips for me to understand E four I am glad to read and learn.

Im certainly over whelmed and want to get the most that I can out of this website



Welcome to the forums! Generally all you really need to know is the rules:

It sounds like you’re already aware of some of them though!

Other than that, tell us more about your interests in the hobby - what are you collecting right now, what are your goals, etc. Maybe make a collection post too when you get around to it! Otherwise, look through the threads, participate where you feel like you can, and go from there.



what are you trying to buy you noob


welcome, i’m trying to get 50 posts as well!

Hey I recognize the name from IG. Welcome to efour :blush:

I’ve spoken to you on IG. WELCOME!!! :blush:

Every single dark blastoise card in existence