is this Board for me?

I am looking through the threads on this forum, and it is obvious that some of you are well-established, and are able to build up a nice collection with 1st editions, and rare exotic cards.

unfortunately, while I do have some nice cards, I am not in an position where I have tons of disposable income, so my aims are more modest such as acquiring common/uncommon 1st editions, finding good deals on unrated base holos, and completing my Japanese vending Machine set.

so I am wondering is this the right place for me, or is their anywhere else people could suggest to look which suits my needs?




This forum is the #1 source of pokemon card knowledge on the planet.

Most of us do not have million dollar collections, or even $100k or $50k collections. You will be fine :blush:

I’d recommend reading a ton of different threads and absorbing info and trying to find people from the forum to chat with.

If you are here to just try to get deals on cards you want to buy, that’s not really what the forum is about, but if you are here for art and knowledge this is the ONLY place


This 100%. If you love Pokemon cards - their history, their art, their quirks and features - you will love this forum and this forum will love you. Doesn’t matter how expensive your collection is.

Also there are a ton of ways to create unique collections on a budget and you can find lots of inspiration here!


For sure, this place is about people’s interest in the cards rather than the $$$ spent. It’s just that often interest leads to spending.


Yes. Would be my answer. I joined this forum earlier this year. I hadn’t really collected pokemon cards for the best part of 15 years. I had played occasionally at a local league in that time and picked the odd card up here and there, but the league closed about 6 years ago. Hadn’t looked at a single card at all since. Until around January and I found my love for the game again. Only this time I don’t play, I collect.

And to be honest. It was baffling! The sheer amount of choice out here is unbelievable.

On a real one though. It was a little disheartening at one time for me because I was the same as you from what you are saying. The money some of these cards are worth is mind blowing and this was 7 months ago. Now is crazy!

There are people on here who have done this forever and rightly so have some of the most sought after collections in the world.

And when you compare what you have to them, you may feel like wow this isn’t for me! BUT! Stay. Learn and talk to others. Look at the collection threads. There are plenty of other people in similar situations who have really cool collections from cards that don’t cost the earth. Even cards that aren’t your thing but you can see that, that collection is cool! If that makes sense?

Collect what you enjoy. Is the most simple and most helpful thing I’ve learnt from the this forum.

It doesn’t matter if your collection values 100 or 1 million. If people can see and feel your enthusiasm for your collection then you will be pleasantly surprised at what feed back you get!

Good luck mate.


If you’re really into the hobby or even just certain aspects of it then definitely stick around. To use myself as an example I joined this year as a super-casual collector, mostly to discover new interests through learning from the OGs of E4. Even if collecting PTCG isn’t one of your top life priorities it shouldn’t put you off. Just don’t ask lazy-ass questions that you could find out for yourself else Fourthstar and PFM will come down on you like a sack of shit. There’s some great articles on here you can spend hours in.

Welcome to e4, where there’s always someone with a bigger collection than you :wink:

Seriously though, there are so many interesting posts and resources here to learn about different cards and sets and whatnot. Research and think before you ask questions and you’ll be totally fine, and can occasionally get some great advice from some of the most knowledgeable Pokemon card collectors in the world. It’s a great forum!


Even if you don’t have two nickels to rub together, this forum is a wealth of knowledge. Some members come off kinda douchey at times, but that’s the internet for ya.

I’d say that if you’re interested in anything Pokemon it’s a good place to learn and gives a lot to aspire to.


I think it’s easy to get caught up looking at other members’ collections and kinda feeling like an outcast, I do it myself from time to time. But then I watch an smpratte video and amongst his trophy cards that almost all of us could only dream of owning, and his 7/8(?) figure collection, he still fawns (no pun intended) over a 5c common card from Darkness Ablaze because he loves the artwork. I think you’d be surprised how many people here actually prefer a lesser-value card in their collection because they enjoy the artwork or it brings back memories from their childhood.

That’s really what the forum is about, at least the way I see it. People just coming together because of their love of Pokémon. People collecting pins, plushes, cards, whatever it is. Some people prefer WOTC, some prefer the EX Era even though it’s generally regarded as less popular (please don’t get mad I love EX), some prefer modern for its affordability. It’s not a pissing contest to see who has the most valuable collection. We don’t all post our valuables on eBay with wads of cash and pools in the background like some people…

I’m 100% sure if you stick around you’ll learn a lot and likely find some new interests you didn’t have before.


Sure you are a better collector than most investors here. Cash is not what matters

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Money isn’t a measurement of how much you care about the hobby. This is a topic that strikes a chord with me since I had almost nothing to put into this hobby when I first started. I never would of guessed I would have the collection I have today and it’s all thanks to putting in effort and acquiring knowledge.
Stay :blush:


Welcome! There is no better place… Hands down. Lots of the more established &mature collectors will check E4 daily wait for opportunities to help genuine interest collectors, myself included. If you need any help or have questions just ask. As an established collector you’ll get to the point that it’s not about the cards, but about sharing the passion.


My favorite collectors don’t have the most expensive collections. Some of my favorite cards are $1-$10. Sure the big dogs are all here, but we all started at 0. At the end of the day, we all enjoy the same hobby. :blush:


People on this forum just love pokemon. They aren’t snobby, I assure you. Friends on here get most excited when I post a recently purchased common that we all love. Sure, people love seeing those PSA 10’s, but they also love pokemon period. As in all pokemon, large or small.

Also, this thread itself is a reflection of how great the forum is. I love it.


Just Pretend you’re in school! That’s how I feel everytime I login here lol

I’ve been a member here for a few months. A lurker for much longer lol. I have already had some amazing conversations with people from here who share my love of Pokemon and that is priceless. It’s easy to get caught up in all the hype over expensive cards. I have been back into collecting for a few years or so now and so have lucked into some pretty big hitters myself, but my favourite cards are the ones that tell a story or remind me of something. The card I always show off first is my birthday pikachu. Worthless to most people because when I got it as a kid I wrote my name in the space haha but it’s unique and my constant reminder of why I love this hobby.

Enjoy your time here and just talk about the things you love and don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. We are all here for all things Pokemon so you are sure to find someone likeminded :blush:

Good luck