Most recently completed binder page

That sounds like a great idea. I might recommend opening a PWCC Vault account, buying all of the lower graded cards that you’re looking for, and doing one large shipment to China in the future. I’m not sure about the specific import/shipping laws for mainland China, but buyers from all over the world enter the North American market through PWCC.

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Ok thanks for the suggestion.

I hadn’t really considered buying from overseas but when I narrow down what it is I’m aiming to collect in terms of sets/species etc I think I will definitely take your advice on that!


I recently completed the DP piplup page. Nothing special like @citriina ’s collection, but I only spend $$ on eevees now.


Now THIS… THIS is a binder page. This looks absolutely lovely. I especially love the Nishida Piplups at the bottom there- they fill out the page super nicely.


Lmao thanks. I’d forgotten the manaphy trainer kit and the non-holo pop 6 one the first go around


oooooo good catch! I’ll have to keep a look out!

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Got a wicked deal on some 1st edition base today and finished these pages. I never get tired of looking at this set :melting_face:


Some of my recently completed binder pages. I’m only missing few Komiya cards after picking up these modern ones to complete these pages. My list of Komiya cards was actually missing the wimpod which is why i hadn’t picked it until now.

More artist pages, i’m collecting sowsow half arts and on second try got the jynx since the first time it was sent in wrong language. Also finished this single page dedicated for Midori Harada, really like how the layout here

Another side collection binder, pages dedicated to my other favourite pokemon species and pages dedicated to each type, mainly from the bulk cards i already have. This happened to be a bug type mail day since i simultaneously completed my heracross page and my bug type page

And lastly my S&V 151 binder, i absolutely fell in love with the cosmos foil energies and for the first time ever wanted to fill out binder pages with multiples of the same card since they are dirt cheap (although there are mixed retro and neo cosmos energies), so far dark type page and now this psychic type page completed


Here’s the binder page I completed today. Getting closer to pulling every single 151 card


This completed page is especially satisfying because it also marks the completion of the entire Carddass set for me, including the checklists. Charizard was the final purchase.


Congrats on the completion. At some point I’d love to have the starters done in both carddass and topsun.

Must bring a very cool feeling when flicking through the complete set.



Holy crap :clap::clap::clap:

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How many of the estimated 272 copies of Poké Dude do you own? And, importantly, why?


These pages are glorious. Very very impressive.

Poke Dude is love, Poke Dude is life.



Second complete binder page. ARs just seem amazing value for money when you consider the quality of art.


It’s the only modern cards I still pick up on the side, so much bang for your buck


I have these and 2 psa 9s, and I am the only person that I know of who gives poke dude the respect he deserves, so I buy them when they are a good price. =)


Just purchased my first binder collection which is very exciting. All cards are Japanese first era (base through gym), I believe a mix of around 150 cards total and 40 holos. Judging from the 3 starters (base Venusaur and Charizard, Dark Blastoise) cards have got some wear, however, judging from pictures I’m hoping there’s some nm-m cards tucked away.

Should be in my possession within a couple days.


Wow, impressive!

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