Mini Portfolios and Card Display's

So I’ve got a room set-up at my new place and have been considering displaying my Original 5 in something fancy. I want to look at how other’s have displayed their own cards and take suggestions. I tried locating a previous thread on it but haven’t been able to locate it via the search.

The other thing is this. Last World’s, I came across a few people who had Mini Portfolio’s. These portfolios had one to two to four pockets per page and made the display seem a bit more intimate than having the general 9 pocket per page portfolios. I’ve tried locating them but can’t find the nice leather or fabric ones that are plain looking (I don’t want the ones that display Pokemon or special graphics, but more professional and general looking).

If anyone can make suggestions or lead me in the right direction, I’d love to hear it. Thanks everyone!

For slabbed cards

Here is what I am using for my Gyarados

I’m totally with you @azulryu, I too would love to find a high quality 4 pocket binder (as the only ones I can find are made by Ultra Pro, Monster or another brand that is exceedingly expensive and hard to find).

I do speak highly of the plastic ones made by Ultra Pro, as they are doing a fine job in the meantime until I find a brand that makes leather or leatherette styled ones.

What I use

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Where are the pics man?!

I was also thinking of the slabs that have you screw the cards in. I don’t remember what they’re called though, or which ones people would recommend. Thoughts?

Also, going to go ahead and call over @mrchub since he had those folders and may be able to push us in the right direction for those also wanting those small portfolios!