Made an Abra-Kadabra-Alakazam Tierlist. It was inevitable.

Commemorating just after it’s 17th anniversary of the Japanese debut of Abra and the Psychic Showdown!. I’ve made an extensive list covering all arts featuring the best-created evolution line made so you didn’t have to.

Take the Saffron pill.

Intending to cover the full extent of the cards art history, I did slip into the Amada stickers from around that awkward, uncertain time during the low point at Gen 3-4 to which there was Topsun and Bandai present which is better than nothing. Don’t worry about them too much, instead, reflect and contemplate. It seems the Japanese company and now Uri love these pokémon to not throw away but are stuck in an undeserving, now internecine, catch 22 identity crisis, leaving both sides post lawsuit mentally immobile and dogmatic.

Some choices have duplicates due to variations in language and holofoil release for your preference, e.g with Base Alakazam unlimited. Feel free to treat it as Base Star, BS2/ Legendary Cosmos Holofoil etc. Japanese base is for all of you No Rarity cultists out there. The second reverse Expedition Alakazam is the historic Outer God GigaChad box topper.

Yours truly. Japanese Sabrina’s Abra CoroCoro is also an Outer God.

Web series can fuck off.

Least worst wishes.


Truly magnificent. There’s a reason Alakazam is number 1 in base set (don’t worry about the alphabet part)


they better make best promo art for Kadabra when Uri let him go.



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I honestly am too afraid to challenge your ranking out of fear of being hexed


Awesome list, but no Topsun card? :blush:


Alphakazam @farawayisland . From 1st base to the last base (Skyridge).

A collection at the least. @alakazamthat , got to think like how they would. It’s up to Pokémon and how much the fans want it now. It would be demeaningly stupid more then it already was for Uri to not want positive association. Hell, name Kadabra after me and I’ll accept the sales oppertunities and extra exposure.

Au contraire @thane , mon cher. We are already drafted into being ‘hexed’ into this world so what is there left to lose? Don’t be daft, enjoy yourself and be blessed, lel! Add what you believe you can work with. I had a psybeam discovering new stock arts when I made this selection.

Thank you @eds and @pokepixs ! Went with Bandai Carddass and the TCG stock variations so it’s a give or take to your preference.

Also worth highlighting of course the higher you go on the Topps Holofoil the better. Tekno Chrome being sadly one of the only few times the franchise ventured into Industrial aesthetics.


The tier names are hilarious XD


Satisfying to see someone who actually gets it. :wink: Means a lot.

As for the newest two since my time away they’re Baphomets. It was awesome to see the Full Art to be the one to break the curse on Max’ box opening.

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Only after reading the name of this thread did I realize Abra and Kadabra are named that because when you combine their names, it spells Abra-Kadabra. Mind blown. :open_mouth:


Where have you been for the past 20 years…??


Clearly wherever Kadabra is at.


No rarity?

Edit. I noticed the reference.

I’m not going to lie. I want a psa 9 Alakazam/abra/kadabra no rarity set so bad it hurts.

But I have to focus on the more expensive cards in that set first lol

I just got into the hobby within the last year, and there hasn’t been a kadabra now for like 15 years lol. I just never made the connection I guess.

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Very nice to even include all those non-TCG ones!

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Fair enough, I’m just messing around lol :wink:

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All my gratitude for trying this means alot, just like how I care about your choice of icon, brothers in arms! Suprised about the boxtopper and lack of Outer Gods lel but that’s about it really.

Good thinking! :wink: The Gengar clash and Topps higher testured rarities are more satisfying then the majority of whats been out from Pokémon the last decade and a half.

Better late than never. I only selected the ones I know though.
I want to point out that the Abra’s in Base, Vending & Gym Challenge are some of my absolute favorites in their respective sets. I love the chill vibe of Abra sleeping besides or ontop of a tree. So f*cking good. Maybe I should’ve put Vending Abra at rank #1 now that I think about it…