Lugia boom

Lugia 1st edition psa 9. Currently there are four bids at 3650 of over. Less than two days left. Unless someone has any info on a private sale, this is a new record price point.
Also another point of sale. There was a 1st ed psa 7 and a 1st ed psa 6 that sold for 1300 as well.
Very popular card. Not a lot of supply. Really cool!


While we’re on this topic, does anyone know of any recent sales for PSA 10 Neo Lugia 1st Edition and Unlimited?

On discord, dbruze mentioned 25k and 40k for 1st edition. I haven’t heard of anything for Unlimited in a long time. Granted there’s a pop of only 11 the last time I checked.

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I remember hearing about the 25k and the 40k. There was a sold listing for 69,420. Im pretty sure that was fake though. Because… you know lol. If someone did buy it, that is the best price ever ha

The last unlimited PSA 10 sold for $6k I think in July? off eBaY. Which was a STEALL. buyer is on E4 but don’t know if he wants to disclose himself. I’ll show him this thread.


There are probably so few data points for unlimited copies. Would be great to hear from him

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