I got the General mills Eevee if someone wants it
Thank you for the offer but I have one as well.
@teamrocketop , I already have 1 & 1 extra for my trading bulk. I really only have a charmander left to trade anyway.
No problem @lucid, @therealonewolf, @rustedharmony, I like Eevee but I do not exclusively collect. I like to give away cards that I do not collect .
those Japanese jumbos are just cameos right?
whew! I thought I was going to need a few more cards lol
Congrats!!! I found 1 more of each on ebay but I’m going to search sites that have bigger stock. Can you type out these codes && are the unlimited the same codes?
Yes I will let you know!
How did you manage that!? have any extras? haha
Thank you for the info!
How did you ask collectors cache?
This was my reply from them:
Sorry but we do not know. We pull these as random from our boxes and do not sell them individually that way.
OK thank you! Let’s see what I get.
@lucid , I got similar responses before. They only helped me out with 1st edition vs unlimited in general.
I havent ordered them yet
Where did you find the eud?
I love both! I was excited to see a fresh Eevee art with #306!

Look what came in the mail today
075/096c XY3 Korean Eevee card (2014)
2017 Pokemon center Eevee deck box
I’m in love! && you can make clay prints from the embedded Eevee and color them!
@lucid ,I just have a elite trainer box with my bulk & supplies. I actually have some leafeon cards I set aside. Would you be interested if I find some cards on your list I want??
Cool I need to find a 1st ed. German to go with my unlimited.
I’ll think about it
@lucid , is the Eevee a non-holo variation?