Like a few others on here (@rustedharmony, @eeveeteam) my girlfriend and I have been trying to collect all the Eevee cards (Japanese and English), as Eevee is her favourite pokemon. Here is the current status, although there is a few more cards ordered. I’ve skipped places for a few of the cards which are crazy to get (fan club, scramble, sample cards), as well as the poncho ones. They might be added, but as we only started collecting a year or two back it’s been pretty expensive to get quite a few of the cards so those are on hold for now.
I have an extra bandit ring unlimited and collection moon 48 if you still need those 2.
Awesome collection. What’s your favorite?
I love seeing each respective artists’ Eevee side by side, great collection!
Another passionate Eevee collector! Eevee will always hold a special place in my heart and played such a significant role in my childhood as I didn’t grow up with much funds, most Pokemon cards I had were bulk given by my fortunate relatives, but that Jungle Eevee by Kagemaru Himeno was my absolute favorite card and I’d watch the Eevee brothers episode so many times as a child to fall asleep…Eevee has gotten me through some rough times in my life with it’s fluff.
That’s an amazing looking collection so far and I’m sure you’ll add more of your WTB list over the next few month and work your way toward the higher end Eevees down the road. (Fortunately, there’s very few Eevees that’ll pack a wallop on your wallet).
I truly believe that collecting Eevee/it’s evolutions is one of the most rewarding and satisfying journeys you can ever go on. There’s such a diverse library of cards over the history of the hobby with fascinating distribution methods or simply breath-taking artwork by so many talented artists!
If you think Eevees are pricey, stay FAR AWAY FROM IT’S OLDER SIBLINGS; I felt like a total masochist over the years while hunting down NM copies of some Eeveelutions and don’t even get me started on Unlimited prints, but I love the hunt and Eevee will always keep me getting back into the hobby.
I’d love to see where your collection goes, feel free to message me anytime too!
I’m not very active, but just updated with the current status. I do have the Grafitti card but it’s in original packaging so I keep planning to get a spare for the binder. English Sandstorm reverse holo is on the way, as is 091/108 Ruler of the Black Flame and I finally got round to getting the 104/156 reverse holo too.
The 2016 English McDonald’s card is one of the most frustrating cards for me, when I started there was a lot of them around but I never got round to picking one up. Then they suddenly disappeared and very rarely come up now. I’ve used a lot of time chasing the Japanese unlimited cards too, as anyone trying to get a master set will know. I actually feel more of an attachment to the Japanese set for some reason.
My favourite card is the JR Rally. I’m not sure if it’s the artwork, memories of the (English version) art from being a kid, or just the prices were silly on Ebay so I thought I would struggle to get it, before getting it for a lot better price from Japan. In terms of artwork I love the recent 031-033/SV-P cards.
Looking through your binder, I see you have a space reserved for Dark Rush and Spiral Force unlimited. I am 99% sure there wasn’t an unlimited print run for those 2 sets. I haven’t seen any Eevee/lution copies pop up the past few years, and I checked every card in the entire set on eBay and wasn’t able to find a single listing. Usually when searching all the random cards from a set, you find a few random ones that are unlimited.
Thanks so much! I’m not sure how they made it in there, but I’ve been searching a lot of cards for at least a year and don’t think I’ve ever seen them so that would make sense. Just remembering back a long time ago I think you might have discussed this on RustedHarmony’s thread when I was just getting into collecting Eevees? That saves a lot of extra effort.
I know of atleast 5 Eevee collectors who are at 90%+ complete on Japanese and none of them have unlimited for those 2 sets. I think that right there confirms unlimited doesn’t exist for those 2 sets.
For what it is worth I convinced PSA to remove dark rush unlimited from the Umbreon registry (and supposedly there is an action item to clean up the other entries too). They had graded 2 cards if I recall as Dark Rush unlimited which I was told was likely an error which I do not see anymore.
Thanks for convincing PSA on that. I recall it was the Darkrai that had 2 labeled as unlimited. It’s on a dark background as well so I get that the 1st edition stamp was missed. That was the last holdout for some people that unlimited doesn’t exist. That is the last shred of doubt of that, so now I am 100% sure it doesn’t exist for Dark Rush
A few new arrivals. Finally caved and started on the ponchos. Also got the stamps in the end too. I will pick up a few more English ones including the post one when back in the UK for Christmas.
Updated the first post to be the latest overview of the cards, including removing the non-existent cards that Eeveeteam pointed out.
These were the cards I picked up at Christmas when back visiting my family. The next target card is the Reviving Legends L2 reverse holo unlimited as then I’ll have completed the non-poncho/uber expensive Japanese set (I have the Graffiti card in its binder). Given how rarely they appear I’ll likely pick up other cards before.
I’ll be in Tokyo for a week or so in a few weeks time. Does anyone know any good shops to visit that I would likely find the Ponchos/L2?
Updated with the latest cards. Not got too many recently.
One older Japanese card I can’t remember which now, plus some of the recent ones but not from the latest set.
On the English side the Undaunted reverse holo and FINALLY the 12/12 MacDonald’s card - I was surprised how cheap it went given I haven’t seen one for sale in at least a year. As with Japanese there’s also a few more of the recent cards too.
Congrats on the Ancient Origins McDonalds! If I knew you needed it, I would have offered my double. That one is so stinkin’ hard to find
Thanks! It was a strange one, it wasn’t too hard when I first started collecting (although maybe being in Europe helped) but never got round to getting it, then suddenly they all vanished and it’s been a few years of looking I think.
Only one harder is the Japanese Reviving Legends reverse holo unlimited, spent so much time checking for it. I think you were kind enough to post a link to one once, but someone else was quicker to grab it.
I will never get tired of seeing Eevee. Nice collection! Hope it makes you and her happy!