Looking for Korean Umbreon & Espeon

**Post edit:**I am looking to purchase the Espeon 22/40 and Umbreon 29/40 from the Korean set Mystical Seven, same artwork as Majestic Dawn.

I did a quick google search on the card and found a video of a Korean youtuber opening the set:

He pulls one and it appears to be holo.


For future reference (though this isn’t exactly an obvious process if you don’t know about it):

Bulbapedia lists all the Pokémon translations in an “In other languages” section on each of the Pokémon main pages. For Umbreon you can find the Korean name in that section on the main Umbreon page: bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Umbreon_(Pok%C3%A9mon)#In_other_languages.

With this, you can then search for Umbreon’s Korean name, 블래키, on Pokémon Korea’s Card Search page: pokemoncard.co.kr/cards.

The entry for this card is at pokemoncard.co.kr/cards/detail/BS2010005029. Whilst the picture doesn’t give any indication of it being holofoil, the presence of a “H” beside the card’s number reveals that it’s a holofoil rare:

As far as I’m aware this only works for cards released prior to ~2018, as after that ‘R’ is used for both regular and holofoil rare cards which isn’t very helpful.


Naver cafes or Coupang might have it. eBay Korea is dying so people have left it :slightly_frowning_face:

Naver sucks to navigate without an account though. I can ask my Korean contacts to see if they’d be willing to dig around the stores for one.

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@swissorican is from korea and helped a few forum members with some korean cards.


Thanks! :wink: