If it doesn’t have all three of these features, it’s the wrong card. Very niche card that’s difficult to locate with not a lot of sales. The only sale price I know is Quuador’s ($1,000).
Looking to pay around $2,000, but if you have this card please let me know!
If you find one of these cards for sale somewhere else, I’ll kick you a $250 finders fee.
I had been searching for this for quaador for like 2 years haha! Turns out he found his somewhere else, but I’ll keep looking for it for you instead I thought I had found one but the photo quality was crap and it turned out to just be Sugimori
Keep in mind that the three features you mentioned (Glossy, Japanese, Kinebuchi illustrator) includes two different cards. One from the 2k copies lottery magazine, which I do have and you’re looking for. But one from an unknown release with shifted artwork as additional fourth feature (see left card in the picture below), which I’m still missing myself.
Do we know for certain the “offset” version of the card was actually released? Last I read up we weren’t sure if it was actually real and thought it could have been some kind of test print or mock up lost to time.
Yeah, it’s likely a mock up print used for magazines or test print of some sort. Unless more info is dug up, I don’t think it was an officially released version. Regardless, I’m looking for one for my Pikachu collection.
Right language, wrong finish. Right finish, wrong artist. Right artist, wrong language. And it all repeats infinitely. More than once, I’ve been so worn down from disassociating over the details that I’ve made the same mistake you did and latched on to a listing with 2 of the 3 features and thought “is this finally it?” only for my brain to Defog a moment later and realize it’s just another desperate trick of a beleaguered imagination.
Unlike other niche Japanese variants, like the Japanese English-language Mewtwo, I have never gotten any better at identifying the cards from a quick glance at the photo. It takes a lot longer to disqualify a suspect. I have spent so many hours of my miserable life in search of this Pikachu. I’ve reached the point where I just hope one of these days someone will say “oh I’ve got one of these” and I can end this.
Messaging from work so I’m not sure if this is glossy I have 4 different type of this art but I’m unsure about this one, condition also doesn’t look great