List of all TCG cards that exist for a specific Pokémon

@joponnes Your Grimer and Muk lists are done. :blush:

  • Grimer: 292 unique TCG cards
  • Muk: 314 unique TCG cards

If you see any mistakes or missing cards, or have a question about a certain card, lmk.



Thank you, surprisingly big amount! And it looks like i indeed have all the official releases of english and japanese ones in my lists, i didn’t include those unofficial smudged error stamps or fossil cosmos holo muk to make my life a bit easier, not sure tho if i bump into smudged stamped ones if i pull the trigget anyway or not :blush: this was a great confirmation and sweet info about the overall amount, it actually pushes me back from even thinking of doing all the languages now that i’ve seen how many of them exist :grin:

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@pivot Your updated Azurill, Marill, and Azumarill lists are done, including featuring artworks. @mrchub @pokemonunboxing Since I’ve removed the previous lists from 2017 which contained some errors anyway, I’ll tag you two here as well for these up-to-date (and hopefully error-free) versions. :blush:

  • Azurill: 60 unique TCG cards (and 1 other artwork cameo)
  • Marill: 221 unique TCG cards (and 7 other artwork cameos)
  • Azumarill: 196 unique TCG cards (and 2 other artwork cameos)


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Amazing work, thank you.

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@ascendedbidoof And your Bidoof list is done as well. :blush:

  • Bidoof: 150 unique TCG cards (and 3 artwork cameos)


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Incredible work, thank you so much!

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Wow Quuador, you are a saint! Thank you so much for the time you put into this!

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Hey friend, could you put an English and Japanese Vileplume list on your list?

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Sure, I’ll put it on my TODO list. Just English and Japanese shouldn’t take too long. Will see if I have some time in the evening of a work day, otherwise it’ll be the weekend again.


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@nish Your Krabby and Vileplume lists are done:

  • Krabby: 50 cards in English and Japanese combined
  • Vileplume: 74 cards in English and Japanese combined


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Lots of errors on the Eevee master list. If this is still being maintained, I can point out in more detail.
Eevee 011/012 that came in Japanese Shaymix deck is holo, and there wasn’t a 1st edition of that.
Eevee 68 from delta species was only found in 1 world champ deck. Eevee 69 was found in 2 decks. The master list has these switched around.
I found others too, let me know if this is still maintained.

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Yeah, the Eevee list is pretty old. Lists from before 2019 (see the dates in the titles) aren’t too accurate and contains quite a few errors or missing cards tbh.

If you want I could update it, although there are a lot of new Eevee cards in Sun & Moon and Sword and Shield, so it will take a while and won’t be soon.

Do you collect Eevee in all languages, or just English and/or Japanese?


I collect all Eevee and Eeveelutions in English and Japanese, every variant ever made, all the way down to the serial numbers, as well as some unique other language cards, such as the French McDonalds holos.

Wait did I read this right? Krabby has no normal holo cards? This is pure blasphemy

The EX FireRed & LeafGreen and EX Crystal Guardians Reverse Holofoils have a holo artwork. But apart from those, Kingler gets all the love like most multi-evolution Pokémon. :wink:


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I had the absolute pleasure of stumbling upon this beauty today:

I think I’ll wait for a slightly better version to pop up, but at least this confirms the card does exist.

I’m also now aware of two other cards not on your Pichu list:

Firstly, the French WotC Black Star Pichu #35 which I’ve just noticed is missing on your list:

And secondly, a card which I wasn’t even aware existed until last night, the Spanish WotC Black Star Pichu #35:

What’s interesting is that both of these use the starlight holofoil pattern whereas the English and Japanese versions use the cosmos holofoil pattern (I think that’s what they’re called, anyway). This has got me wondering if there are any English copies with this holofoil variation.

The pictures above are from their original owners but I was fortunate enough to be able to pick both of them up last night and I’m really excited for them to get here - especially the Spanish copy.



Hi @quuador,

First off, thank you for all the work you’ve done for so many! I scrolled through about 6 or 7 pages, and admit I didn’t go all the way through, but is there a Celebi list for English and Japanese already made?


It’s a bit outdated, but I indeed did a Celebi list before.

PS: The edit on the first post contains a link to my Google Drive folder with all lists thus far. :blush:


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@quuador, just came across this cool thread! Out of curiosity, how do you proceed for establishing lists?

I started (and kinda abandonned due to a lack of time) a similar project around a year ago (Pikameo on facebook). I had an excel sheet referencing cameos and a Python code to extract everything related to a pokemon.

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I basically do everything by hand. Here the method I use when I create these lists:

  1. Go to the “Pokémon TCG” page on Bulbapedia (i.e. Bulbapedia TCG)
  2. Open each individual link in the Card column and look at the Release Information and sets mentioned at the right side for all English and Japanese cards
  3. Add the additional Japanese / English cards to the list that aren’t mentioned on Bulbapedia (MATCHPRINT cards; some sample prints; 1st edition differences; EX era codes; ©1999-2000 for the Base Set, Spanish Base Set, Fossil set; Teach Set cards; etc. etc.)
  4. Look at the Error cards page on Bulbapedia and CTRL+F for the Pokémon, and add those as well.
  5. Go to the World Championships Deck page on Bulbapedia, open each link, and CTRL+F for the Pokémon (these aren’t mentioned on the individual card’s pages for some reason)
  6. Search for the Pokémon name plus “KTCG” for all Korean releases mentioned on Bulbapedia
  7. See if some of the XY, SM, and SwSh era sets are released in Korean by searching for them on (with the Korean Pokémon name from Bulbapedia)
  8. Search for the Pokémon name plus “ATCG” for all Chinese/Thai/Indonesian releases mentioned on Bulbapedia
  9. Search for the Pokémon name plus “CTCG”/“TTCG”/“ITCG” for all Chinese/Thai/Indonesian exclusive releases respectively (i.e. promos and some Decks) mentioned on Bulbapedia
  10. Go to this list I created for all German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese cards

A. For cameos I first Ctrl+F the Pokémon in this thread for all English onesB. Then go through the Japanese exclusive ones I mentioned here, which I did for English as well before we had this thread
C. And sometimes I look through some cards in my own collection to see if I can find any cameos

Sounds like a lot of work. Well, it kinda is. :blush: Most lists of gen 1 or 2 Pokémon I make in 45-75 minutes.
