List of All Known TCG Major Holo Shift Cards (Misaligned Holos)

@pikachutcg is correct, that’s on all of them

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I compared it with a few other ones and this one seemed to be to be shifted, and when you look in certain places around the hair you can see blank space of where foil should be. Although I’m not really sure and would like an explanation

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Just do a Google search and you’ll see that all of them looks like this. The same is true for Here comes Team Rocket.

I see then, then the ones I looked at were the weird ones since they didn’t have the shadowed look. Thanks, and at least I finally bought a card I wanted for awhile lol


My scans from CGC are in for the Holo Shift Dark Tyranitar i posted earlier :blush: Very pleased with the grade


Add this one to the main list if you’d like @JoshsOddCollection


So I’ve been wondering: how do these Holo Shift errors happen, in terms of printing process?

Seeing these holo shift cards I had ended up assuming that the “holo layer” was something printed or stamped on top of the artwork layer, and that holo shifts happened when the holo layer was misplaced…
But if I’m not mistaken the holo layer is actually behind the artwork layer, taking the full surface of the card, right?
As can be seen with the peeled-off Japanese Base Set Nidoking below, there should be the holo layer, and then the artwork layer on top of it – which is mostly opaque with some transparent areas where the holo is supposed to be seen. (This see-through area also has colour and a light holo pattern). I could move the artwork layer vertically on this Nidoking however I want, but that would obviously never make an Holo Shift. At best I could only move it to an area with a visible swirl :stuck_out_tongue:

Does this mean that Holo Shift Cards actually happen when the artwork layer is misprinted, with the misaligned part really being the transparent and opaque areas?
I might be asking about obvious stuff here, but this is really intriguing to me and I’d be very grateful if someone could explain to me how Holo Shift cards actually come to be :blush:


Basically, yes. @pkmnflyingmaster made an excellent video explaining all things about the printing process and how errors come to be. I time-stamped the part where he goes into these “holo shift” errors, but the whole video is well worth a watch:

Edit: Also, poor Nidoking :slightly_frowning_face:


Thanks, now it all makes sense! And thanks to @pkmnflyingmaster for making that amazing video.
Also don’t worry about that Nidoking, it actually broke free so that it could go meet its girlfriend :grin:


Kudos to you, this might just be the single most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen on the internet :')


Ha, you had me thinking there was a secret Pikachu hidden in Nidoking’s background with this image. :grin:

“Holo shift” is a bit of a misnomer as it’s not the holofoil layer itself which has been shifted, rather the layer which blocks out the holofoil is shifted.

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Add another one to the list:

Compared it to the Unlimited one in my collection:

Back looks normal:

It’s not just the holo either, the entire card has been shifted abnormally (see the text, Misty’s face, energies, etc.):


@azulryu, very cool!

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(Not mine)


Curious if this qualifies: it’s pretty subtle and may be a known issue with the Neo shinings. I haven’t seen enough of these to know though.

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Adding some pics that I have seen online; none of these belong to me.


Will be in my hands eventually, but here’s a picture from the seller


Just thought I’d throw a couple of mine in here for everyone


forgot to update with my new Alakazam!
Also does anyone know who owns the Dark Dragonite from the first page? :heart_eyes: