Jungle Booster Scam?

Hello! I recently got swept back into Pokemon this last summer after about a 8 year hiatus, so of course, I did what any self respecting college graduate does with his new income - I bought sealed product on eBay!

I was recently looking at one of the jungle boosters I bought and started to wonder if it was a fake… Other pictures of packs online have subtle variations that make it difficult to determine if mine is real or not. Is there usually a decent amount of variation between older packs (i.e. blister vs. 1st ed vs. long packs) from the same set? Any and all advice would be appreciated - thanks!

Looks fine to me. Maybe a little on the lighter side when looking at the color contrast, but honestly, WOTC packs are known to have certain color discrepancies.

@pokemoncardproject, Always good to hear. Watched this video on YouTube of these guys opening up some fake DragFrontiers packs and it got me paranoid af WE WERE SCAMMED!!! Opening Dragon Frontiers Packs - YouTube

Your pack looks fine man!


you should open it and become familiar with what authentic packs look and feel like. for any new collector to the hobby, the most important thing to have is knowledge (and a lamborghini), but you can teach yourself alot with experimenting and investing in knowledge.


You’d have to do some digging but there is an article on this forum somewhere that goes very in depth about jungle booster packs and the variations that they have. Maybe someone better then myself at finding long lost threads can find it?!

But to piggyback on what the others have said, yours looks fine dude!