Japanese Championship Arena’s info

I have tried looking up information on these two cards :

If anyone has some information on how many there may be , how rare they are as I’m thinking since there prize cards there may be quite a few but pop reports say otherwise especially for the 2005 version

Anyone’s guess but do we think there’s 1k or less of this card 500 or less ?

I do love the art of both and maybe hopefully will find one

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This is what is the available info on pokumon.com, the articles are these:
Battle Road 2005 - Pokumon
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Battle Festa 2006 - Pokumon



Thank you ! I saw that not too long ago but I’m wondering also what the possible copies number is for each of these , like an estimated number

I think I heard somewhere that they were 1k copies awarded for each year but I don’t remember any source and maybe I am wrong

I would be very surprised if the number was more than 1k copies. It is very hard to determine the exact number just because these were competition based prize cards which you could keep attempting to win as long as you were within the time limit. There was no threshold on how many each person could win. So any number you get is just an educated guestimate.

I think the Mew-Celebi card is rarer than the Dialga-Palkia card. But you won’t go wrong with either of these cards. They are rare, don’t come up that often and have a super cool history.
