Mysterious Pearl(Battle Road promo) Copies Winter Challenge?

Hi everyone,

I recently managed to pick up a copy of the mysterious pearl.
Now, I was actually very curious about the number of copies out there.

The card seems to have been awarded on two occasions:

First: “This card was awarded to the top three competitors from each age division in each of the regional Japanese Battle Road Spring 2007 tournaments held between March and April 2007.”

For this first occasion, it seems to be known that “an estimated 81 copies of this card were awarded”
Second: " It was later awarded to competitors from each age division who won a battle at the ‘Premier Stage’ in the knockout-style Arena Challenge at Winter Challenge 2007 events held between November 2007 and January 2008."

For this second occasion, the only information that Bulbapedia had to offer regarding the number of copies was: “Due to the nature of the Arena Challenges at Winter Challenge 2007 events, it is unknown how many copies were awarded in total.”

However, Bulbapedia did offer the following information about these knockout-style arena battles:

“In order to progress to the ‘Premier Stage’, players had to attain seven stamps in their battle passport. A single stamp was earned by achieving a two-match winning streak; however, a two-match win or a loss at any stage required players to queue for the event again”

Furthermore, we also know the times and dates at which these Winter Challenge events were held:

  • Hokkaidō conference: Sapporo Park Hotel, Sapporo on November 25, 2007.

  • Chūbu conference: Nagoya Trade & Industry Center, Nagoya on November 25, 2007.

  • Kansai conference: Kobe International Exhibition Hall, Kobe between December 8-9, 2007.

  • Hokushin’etsu conference: Toki Messe, Niigata on December 9, 2007.

  • Tōhoku conference: Yume Messe Miyagi between December 22-23, 2007.

  • Kyūshū conference: Marine Messe Fukuoka, Fukuoka on December 24, 2007.

  • Kantō conference: Sunshine City, Tokyo between January 12-13, 2008.

  • Chūgoku/Shikoku conference: NTT CRED Motomachi Building, Hiroshima on January 20, 2008.

My question is now, does anyone have more information about the scale and size of these events or the nature of these knockout battles. I completely understand it is really hard to determine the exact number of copies, but considering that we know:

  • the number of events held, as well as their time and location
  • The rules of the game, how these cards were acquired
  • The scale of these events{? (I’m hoping someone here knows more about it)

It should be very well possible to make, what I like to call, an educated guess. Sure, it won’t be perfect, but at least it will be better than saying “unknown”

Thanks guys! :blush:


Still looking for the answer :3
Anyone knows someone I could tag who might be a bit more knowledgeable about this?

Here is a thread that discusses it a little bit. I am not sure if more information has come out since then, but if there has been poke-geri would know about it.


It’s hard to give an answer like this. It seems you’ve already did a lot of great research, but it’s pretty difficult to find information like the three things you stated:

unless you can find some Japanese websites that mentioned the events. (Sometimes I wish I could read Japanese, would make researching for information a lot easier for certain Pokémon-related topics…)

I doubt any of these persons would be able to help you any further than what you’ve already been able to deduct, but just in case:

  • I know @pokeg is pretty knowledgeable about high-end cards and their release numbers in general
  • I know @pichufan did some research on release numbers of some Japanese cards he owns, so maybe he has some tips to help your research further?

I doubt any actual release numbers for this card are known, but if anyone can give a good estimation it’s probably @pokeg .

EDIT: Oh, looks like @mojotbone already beat me to it while I was finishing my work-meeting, haha. I had this thread open to answer before my meeting.



Thank you @quuador, and @mojotbone, for getting back to me with this ^^

The old thread does have some nice information, but it seems that no one, as of yet, managed to find any information
about the nature of this knockout battle that might narrow the number of copies down a little.

Let’s hope that @pokeg, or @pichufan, catch wind of this thread and can provide some more information :blush:

It is tough to put an estimate on the Mysterious Pearl copies. Many Players received it during the winter Challenge. I think some Japanese Players mentioned around 300 to 350 copies in total, but its impossible to know for sure. Its much easier when a Card is only given to top 3 Players as a quite accurate calculation is possible.
Having been collecting new back trophies since 2006 and judging by how many copies I have seen (also compared to other Cards) I would agree with the Japanese Players that there were probably somewhere between 300 and 450 copies released. Again, there is absolutely no evidence for this number so take it with a grain of salt. But it is a pretty good estimate in my opinion.
I still wish they had given out the Pearl to the top winners only which would put the total copies at around 90 to 150 (for 2007 and 2008).


Thank you @poke-geri, !
I appreciate you taking the time to write this out for me.

I understand it is incredibly hard to comfirm, but a rough estimate is all that I needed ^^ It’s just that since i didn’t know anything about the event, it could have been either tens of cards or thousands of cards :sweat:

I managed to pick one up at an auction recently for a few hundrer dollars. Really wasn’t sure whether I wanted to keep it in my collection or whether I’d just sell it off again. But considering your rough estimates, I think I’ll hold onto it for a while.

You shouldnt hold on to it because of its rarity but because it has incredible artwork :blush: