Japanese 1st edition and reverse variants

Whilst doing some research into Pichus yesterday I discovered a new unlimited variant of a card I previously believed to only exist in 1st edition, and 2 new reverse variants of cards I didn’t know were available in reverse.

It’s got me thinking: is there a definitive list of Japanese sets and whether they have 1st edition, unlimited and reverse variants?

If not, I think that’s possibly something I’ll try to put together over the next week or so.

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Good question! Semi related, this got me thinking about a Japanese Diamond and Pearl era blister I opened about a year ago. Same set, but some cards were 1st edition and some were unlimited. Does this commonly happen in the Japanese sets?

From which sets did you found out there were other prints? I’m struggling with this myself as well for my Mew collection.

Unfortunately I don’t know about such a list. Would have helped a lot. I do know about this thread which mentions some Japanese sets with only 1st edition, only unlimited edition, or where unlimited edition is much rarer than 1st edition: www.elitefourum.com/t/1st-edition-timeline-lets-iron-it-out/16054/1 (PS: it’s slightly outdated. A more up-to-date version of this can be found in the quote of my 1st edition stamp article: www.elitefourum.com/t/1st-edition-stamp-variations-lets-iron-it-out/17624/1).

But a definite list of which Japanese cards have been released and which ones had 1st/UED print runs, and Reverse Holo variants would definitely have helped. Especially for Japanese Decks…


I have done a lot of Japanese card collecting and I have noticed all the sets I have seen have 1st/UED print runs. I have not seen a list though, just ones of the Japanese variants but not claiming whether it comes in 1st edition or not.