Is there something wrong with my misty’s Gyarados?

Check out how ‘bright yellow’ the border is. I have another card next to it for comparison. Is this normal? PSA has graded this so I assume it’s a real card? Does this border color make it more valuable or less valuable?

Seems perfectly fine to me. Some borders tend more towards yellow while others tend more towards orange.

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My error card has a different yellow. Here’s a comparison:

Different colored borders happen all the time tbh. Just take a look at some of my Base Set Pikachus, and you will see a lot of different shades of yellow for the borders, as well as the card itself (outdated picture, since I have about 15 more right now):

I don’t see anything wrong with either the Gyarados nor the Eevees. All look real to me.



Looks perfectly fine! Like quuador posted with his pic you will see a ton of variation in color depth between even the same card. I bought a large collection that had several duplicates and noticed pretty severe color differences between the cards. Some people care, others don’t. I personally think it’s cool to see the differences side by side but I would never choose one over the other


Ok thanks for the replies people :blush: