Is the barrier to entry too high?

The barrier to entry is as high as you set it. There’s so many amazing cards available at any price point. I think we’ve proven this pretty well with our cheap card challenges here on the forum.

Sure, prices for the highest of the high end stuff like sealed boxes and PSA 10 WOTC holos and even the hardest to pull modern cards are quite up there. But nobody has to collect those items. Regardless of when you start or how much money you have, there are always going to be items you don’t have the money to acquire.

What I like about Pokemon now is that there are so many easy ways to access effectively any experience you wish to have. If you want to pull old ultra rares, you can get Celebrations packs. Want to crack a box? Most on-release modern is $100 a box, pretty much exactly where it’s always been when you adjust for inflation. Want to start an artist collection? The standard and variety of art in non-holo cards is arguably the best it’s ever been.

I truly understand the frustration of feeling like you’ve been priced out, and it’s been a challenge to deal with adjusting my collection goals-which were at one time possible and now incredibly unlikely. Getting caught up over what you can’t have is counterproductive though, and can stop you from having really enjoyable experiences in the hobby. Everything doesn’t have to be sunshine and rainbows, but if you focus too much on what you can’t have, you might miss out on exciting and fulfilling new experiences.