Is it worth grading my Charizard? & General Beginner Help.

Hi guys,

I’m pretty new, so if this is in the wrong forum, sorry. I tried searching for something like this but couldn’t find anything. Just point me in the right direction if I clearly didn’t search hard enough:)

So, I have a few cards which I’d like to send to PSA. Most are pack fresh, and I know that being pack fresh doesn’t guarantee a 10. I’d be more sending them off so they’re encapsulated.

But when it comes to other cards in my collection that have been sitting around a while, what should I be looking for to decide whether I send them in or not? For example, I’d like to send in this Japanese Base Charizard that I pulled from a pack myself as a kid, but I don’t know if the damage on it makes it garbage or if I’m being too harsh on myself. (I made an album on imgur rather than post images directly on here as I don’t know what you guys prefer image hosting wise).

It’s not a 10, or 9, or 8 but I’m not really sure what it is and I’d like to know if it’s worth sending in at all. I’ve tried to be as clear as I can in the images, and I’m sure you’ll tell me it’s impossible to see real quality without a very bright light and a magnifying glass, but maybe I’m wrong. I can’t see any problems on the front at all aside from the slight bend in the bottom right and I’ve tried to inspect it under *very* bright light as best I can.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

I think that bend/crease on the bottom right front corner would immediately bring it down to a 6, plus the other damage. I’ve not graded cards before, so there are others here far more qualified than me, but I had a Shining Mewtwo like your zard and was told similar.

Btw, loving your Miki Tanaka slowpke avatar.

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This depends on why you are grading the card. For strictly monetary aspects, probably not-borderline yes. The card looks like it will be under an 8 grade, depending on what they do with that bottom corner. However, Charizard base has a more establish value for grades than any other card.

You’re in the right board as far as I know don’t worry. And welcome! :blush:

The card looks like a solid PSA 6 (at best). So from a monetary perspective it’s not worth it. From a personal collection perspective maybe maybe not. A nice ultra pro screw down case would do just as nicely and is much cheaper than a PSA slab

Thanks for the replies guys.

I think I’d like to encapsulate it anyway thanks to the emotional value attached to it, and I was expecting a 6 so maybe it’s worth me looking at.

What is it that usually brings the grades down? Scratches on the holo? Edge/Corner wear?

edit: @thetropicalwoodsman I recently completed a full collection of Miki’s work. Was very satisfying, and the artstyle has remained solid over the years. There is something wonderfully minimalist about the slowpoke image in particular. The use of white space with slowpoke being alone seems to accentuate its dopeyness haha.


Ah, so that must be you who posted their collection on r/pkmntcgcollections. You made want to start my own collection of her cards; the magnemite from Team Rocket has always been a favourite of mine.

As @thetropicalwoodsman mentioned a bend like the one on the lower right corner often drops the grade to 6 regardless of the condition of the rest of the card. With that said, the card has an additional impression on the right rear + light scratches and edge wear on ~two sides. This confirms the 6 grade and may (although unlikely) drop the grade to as low as a PSA 5 EX. Professional grading is numeric so every detail adds up :blush:

If it’s for sentimental purposes you can get an “Authentic” designation.

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Thank you for all the advice everyone.

That’s correct, and that Magnemite is also one of my favourites :blush:

That’s a great page to know about, I’ll use that a s reference from now on.