Insane EX era 3 pack blister

3-packers really used to hit differently. This may be the best one ever opened on camera.


Always cool to see a gold star get pulled

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There was a guy on ig who pulled 2 gold stars from a 3 pack blister not long ago


that’s super cool, although it’s insane that youtubers now can stretch a 3 pack opening to a 20-minute long video


Have a link?

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He opened some modern product during the video, as well.

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sure, but that’s obviously just filler - it’s irrelevant to the main content of the video

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He does that every video. Always skip to halfway mark and you are set.

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I’m a fan of 3 pack blisters! Would keep that sealed instead.

I kinda like them too but the hoarder part of me always does the math and it’s not uncommon for those 3 pack blisters to cost much more than the sum of their contents. Which is wild.

Like I’m sure @zorloth has the specific numbers but we did some theory crafting a while ago on them (not sure how they fare nowadays)

Back then if you added the price of 3/36th the box for the respective sets plus promo, the blister would be far more expensive than the box on a per pack basis.

We could only guess this comes from an idea that many ex fans want sealed product but maybe are slightly too young to be able to afford boxes (absolutely the case for me)??? Otherwise it’s anyone’s guess, it’s not like the blisters look better than boxes so people want to display them over boxes. So to see a big change in price is weird. Almost makes boxes look like better buys despite them still being hella expensive.

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Agree with everything you said, but I’ll also add this in to further illustrate the point:

I traded you a ton of two/three-pack EX blisters back in 2020 for my EX Dragon box. At the time, we valued the blisters (depending on the exact packs/promo) at between $200 and $500 ea. And we valued the box at I think $12k-ish.

Over the course of the 3 years since that trade, the box gone up in value by probably around 10% to 25%. But the blisters have since then increased in value by literally 150% to 400% each. Basically, as you said, the blisters have since then become remarkably overvalued relative to boxes!

They were such great buys back then (which is why I had accumulated so many to begin with), but then everything in the <$2000 range spiked like crazy. Which I think is a result of exactly what you mentioned – the buyer base for these has very few people who can afford to spend $15k on a box, but has a lot more people who can afford to spend $1k on a blister (even if the blister is objectively overvalued relatively speaking!).


Not everything is about money. Sometimes I buy it because I simply like it.

I like them too. Just not as much as boxes. And with boxes cheaper per pack they become harder for me to justify sadly

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