So several months ago I made a post looking for answers on holo bleeds from the xy evolutions set and I never got any answers unfortunately… fast forward to this week and a post came up about a guy having confirmed xy evolutions holo bleed boxes, here’s the link to that post:
I pm’ed the guy and responded to him in his post and never got a response from either. I was wondering if anyone out here knows how to confirm one of these boxes are ones with holo bleeds in them? Any kind of info on holo bleeds from this set would be awesoms and greatly appreciated! I’m dying to pull a holo bleed myself, I think they look so gnarly. Thanks a ton!
It’s one of those things that you’re almost relying on the persons word.
Hard to imagine paying a premium just based on someone’s word, at least in the case where that same person can not be actually be held responsible if their claim doesn’t hold true.
I guess the seller could make a video opening 1 pack and use a numbered security seal for the rest. That or the buyer would have to open some boosters at random to confirm.
Ahh I didnt know if the booster box and/or packs had some sort of specific marking or feature that was exclusive to them. So I guess it is just a case of box 1 and 2 in the case had them, so theyre figuring the rest of them did to. Bummmmmer, id hate to spend thousands on ten booster box’s just hoping to get holo bleed ones haha. Thanks for the reply everyone!