I opened some heavy shadowless booster packs. I pulled some shadowless Holos but most notably I pulled THE shadowless charizard.
I’d personally grade it a 9. What do y’all think it will grade? Obviously you can’t give a perfectly accurate number due to not seeing it in person but I’m looking for a best guess. There’s no factory lines or scratching on the holo.
Charmeleon in the same pack!? Nice!
Bad lighting makes it impossible to tell you and I do find it hard to believe there’s not a single mark on the foil (take it into sun light.) It appears to be a minimum of an 8 and most likely a 9. If you want a quick $1000 hit me up.
No it’s not that bad haha, but I’d rather have a 9 (oc) then a normal 9. And I didn’t notice the back, I noticed the front being off center. Either way you’re gonna be a happy camper!