I just pulled a Shadowless Charizard! Help me!

I opened some heavy shadowless booster packs. I pulled some shadowless Holos but most notably I pulled THE shadowless charizard.

I’d personally grade it a 9. What do y’all think it will grade? Obviously you can’t give a perfectly accurate number due to not seeing it in person but I’m looking for a best guess. There’s no factory lines or scratching on the holo.


Also, yes I did record it. I’ll upload it soon.


That is awesome!! Congrats!

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Shame with the centering, but congrats on the pull!
I would be shaking if I’d done that, haha :stuck_out_tongue:

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Should be a 9 no doubt


Charmeleon in the same pack!? Nice!
Bad lighting makes it impossible to tell you and I do find it hard to believe there’s not a single mark on the foil (take it into sun light.) It appears to be a minimum of an 8 and most likely a 9. If you want a quick $1000 hit me up.

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Congratulations!! Regardless, you got the best case scenario of pack opening! Must be a thrill!

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Congrats on the pull and best of luck if/when you do grade it.

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I pulled and sent it to psa yesterday!

Hell yeah. Ride the wave.


That’s awesome hope you get the grade you are looking for.

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I wish I could have the feeling of pulling a shadowless Holo from a pack! Congrats!

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Epic pull! Let us know what it gets :blush:

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Sweet! Congratz! :grin:

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sick pull. I’d say it’s a 9 as well

i would say 9 also, but maybe a 10 if the grader misses the centering on the back (;

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I have some 10s with centering that bad, but PSA has gotten stricter since then.

Still a major score, congrats!

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Maybe you’ll get a 9(oc)! That’s a pop 1 card, that’d be rare and cool to me!

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I wonder if a charmander, charmeleon, and Charizard has ever been pulled in the same pack? That would be sweet!

Is it really that off center? The front looked good enough. It’s the back the looks fairly off center to me.

No it’s not that bad haha, but I’d rather have a 9 (oc) then a normal 9. And I didn’t notice the back, I noticed the front being off center. Either way you’re gonna be a happy camper!