Back story… the guy I purchased this from sold it on behalf of his nephew who had it stored away in his closet for 13 years. The nephews father was the one who was a collector. He died many years ago and his son inherited it. None of this would have been possible without Luke, a good friend of mine in the community.
I opened the box due to the fact that there was no way to be certain of authenticity because of a few factors. One of the main reasons was because of the the shrink wraps look and feel. To me and others it did look likely to have been re wrapped. Luckily that was not the case! Below are a few videos from the last few days. I am still in shock.
Totally rad! The fact you can see every bit of emotion in just the hands is always so funny.
Congratulations on your purchase and thanks for making the video!
I’m just so ecstatic to be able to say that I sourced an authentic 1st Edition Base Booster box for a good friend! - Oh and being able to own a couple of 1st edition base zards and blastoise is also pretty cool