How to Add a Table of Contents (TOC) to Your Posts

I don’t think that is feasible without writing an entirely new plugin.

One thing I will mention is that you can create your own “table of contents” and link to any header in any thread.

For example, this link: goes to the header below.

You can get the link by hovering next to the section


Section 1

You can use this to link to the middle of any post. So if you want to break down the major posts from the OP you can.

Or alternatively, you can even use this html anchor:

<a name="anchor-name"></a>

If you place something like that in a post, it won’t be visible but you can link to that spot.

:rabbit2: I put the anchor named bunny right here


You can use this to link to the middle of any post. So if you want to break down the major posts from the OP you can.

Yes I added all this blank space to help demonstrate my point :slight_smile:

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