How does large YouTubers calling raw charmander $400 affect

I’m on mobile doing some stretches so I can’t upload it properly. These are saying they opened an unlimited base set and profited over $25k without grading. After watching this video Logan Paul seems like the Einstein of Pokemon compared to these two.

Edit: didn’t realize the title got cut period my question is how does this affect new collectors coming into the hobby? I can see a lot of people spending $30, 000 thinking that they’ll automatically make 25 Grand just by opening the box.


Jesus… hopefully people do their research lol. I know a lot of the younger audience can be very impressionable so hopefully they do some form of due diligence.

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I imagine it’s just more hype for the hobby. Same as logan paul but maybe to a lesser extent. It is just common practice for youtube channels to follow hot new trends to get views and pokemon is the hot new trend. They don’t know anything about the hobby and probably don’t care about it either.

I find these videos really hard to watch so my strategy is to ignore them but to also try and keep up with any changes they may cause to the market so I know to raise prices or outright pull a listing off of ebay.


Better than calling a bulbasaur 30k


at the 1:06 mark for about 2 more seconds there is a tiny disclaimer in the top left that all prices are of the card in PSA 10. Def shaddy that they hide that


Man, I’m just lost for words :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:

It’s… unsettling the effect that ignorance can have on the market… that being said, I smiled most of the video lol Seeing people who are clearly outside of the hobby find such enjoyment in a 20 year old box made me feel good honestly.

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Keep in mind that most people don’t have 30k just lying around to spend on a booster box, so I definitely don’t think “a lot” of people are going to try and do this. Most people who are willing to spend that much on a sealed item are likely at least fairly knowledgeable about the hobby and/or see the box as a sealed investment rather than something to crack open (anyone who knows anything about the hobby knows that the EV on a Base Set Unlimited booster box is terrible).

I understand that these guys are an exception to what I just wrote above, but not everyone is a famous YouTuber with over five million subscribers.

Also, they are talking about the PSA 10 price of Charmander, which is around $400 (for now; can’t see that lasting, but who knows).

Not saying your concerns aren’t valid, but let’s put things into perspective and realize that most people don’t just have that much disposable income that they can drop at one time.

If you’re blowing $400 on charmanders or 30k on a booster box because some clickbait kid on YouTube told you it was a good idea, you probably deserve it


Very valid points and I don’t disagree. It’s been said that even if 1% of all the subscribers of all these big social media influencers enter the hobby, there will be a large amount of people who will enter the hobby. By the same logic a very small percentage of their audience that will try to buy packs, singles and other cards at what they perceive to be as a steal according to the prices they see. 1% or even 0.01% of 100 million subscribers is a lot of folks who will act on what they see these influencers doing. I can see plenty of folks buying charmander, pikachu, etc for $50-100+ a card because they see it listed as Mint or pack fresh.

I’m happy that more folks are entering the hobby, but my experience means I will be able to make moves that they won’t, so they will have to pay premiums. However, I feel bad that there will be a good amount of new collectors who will make bad financial decisions or get ripped off because of such blatantly bad information.

I know it’s not our job to protect and inform new collectors, but it’s sad to know that people will be taken advantage of due to this.

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Does this mean we’re rich now? Haha

Are there 100,000 people willing to pay 50 ,100 or 400 dollars for a NM starter that was cents in March and even the shadowless charmander was near a dollar.

Will this demand absorb all the available inventory of these cards in NM condition?

Time will tell but if I came in fresh I would just want the base starters and maybe stop there.

the entry point for ungraded accessibility, of starters, has really ceased for 1st and shadowless if you assume people not excited about the hobby as a whole but want a time capsule will pay… 15-25 dollars ea?

When you have unlimited 10s selling for these prices there will definitely be people taking a punt on NM/M cards at $50+ if they think it could hit a 10, even a 9 is $150+ atm.

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Bring on the millennials, I’m ready to take advantage of them believing everything in social media lol jk… Kind of…

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Wow, that is ridiculous. At this rate it would probably be better to have the fun of opening my base set packs and then grading + selling. But by the time PSA are done, rather the pack prices would have adjusted or the starters… There’s already a couple of buy it now’s up for a bit less then that one went on bid. Some of the price hikes on genuinely rare cards I can understand, but If people are actually paying these prices for an unlimited Charmander I feel sorry for them.

“I wasn’t wrong in saying that [insert Pokemon card xyz] was worth 2000% above market value, I was just a bit too early.”

  • Some scumbag hype boi in the near future, probably
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I’m a millennial and so are most of my friends and nobody I know likes this kid. He’s cringy, loud, clickbaity, shady, whiny, and ungodly annoying. His main audience is gen z


Yeah I was just messing but glad to hear haha. I technically fall into the millennial category being born in 1985. All those traits you mentioned seem to be a more common theme nowadays, unfortunately…

When will it end? Will it get worse before it dies back down?

All these non-educated people coming in and causing a ruckus is annoying.

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People will only buy so many cards for $400 before they realize those cards are worth $2 before they stop buying overpriced $400 cards. Either that or they run out of $$$