How did you come up with your username?

Eeveelutionist, EeveeTeam, and EeveeSquad were taken when I started playing Pokémon World Online in 2009. When Pokémon Revolution Online launched in 2015, I finally got EeveeTeam. Carried that name over to eBay and here.


Mine is my real name plus first letter of my surnames :rofl:


I love the Pokemon, but first and foremost it was the shortest, easiliest to remember Pokemon-related name that came to mind when I created the account… but I kinda lived up to it and appreciate Muk even more than before :slight_smile:

I think it’s widely known and accepted that @joponnes is e4’s actual Muk/Grimer guy and it’s good that he is recognized as such, despite my name :slight_smile:


One of the best NHL players of the early-mid 2000s has been forgotten by many it seems. I honor his accomplishment of scoring 50 goals in 07 with my username. #50in07


Mine is basically you minus the creativity and effort :upside_down_face:


Originally, pigeonsyndicate came from Xbox random name generator. Spent like an hour with my little sister and her friend continually generating names. Then over time I thought, why not switch the pigeon to pidgey :thinking: that’s why I have it as both in random places. It gets mildly confusing :sweat_smile:

The pidgey part is also funny between my friends and I because we’ve got an inside joke about them as well, so that helped the choice along.


This was a name I made for myself in Gold/Silver/Crystal when I was 10 years old. Been using it on various platforms ever since.


The big daddy characters you play with in the Original Bioshock game were endearingly called as Mister Bubbles by the ‘little sister’ characters that you can save. The original Bioshock was one of the best games that I had played and I really liked the name and took to it as my gamer tag ever since.




I’ve been using this name now since I was probably 14 or 15. It’s a combination of two names with Khai coming from a story I wrote in my English class and the Iris coming from the Goo Goo Dolls song. I used this name a lot during my days raiding in WoW and I’ve kept it for consistency and because I really like it. For pronunciation my name is Kai-riss because of the Iris portion.

The Khai story is special to me because in high school English was one of my favorite subjects. It was just easy for me. The teacher had a story writing and vocabulary contest going with the top prize being a candy bar and extra credit. I was pretty confident I could win the contest by myself but we were forced to take partners! So I sought out someone who I knew was flunking the class and asked if they wanted extra credit and they took me up on it. I just asked that they looked involved with the process but just to let me do my thing. Anyways, I ended up winning and I included Khai into my name as a small reminder to strive towards being focused and confident when I have a good feeling.


Fishing in mossdeep city I encountered a rare mustachioed wailmer. He spoke to me and shared his divine wisdom.

None of my friends believed me that I had discovered this white whale. And thus the legend was born. A lot better than if wailmer was just my favorite and I needed some alliteration adjective


Ok… so when I around 17 or 18 long ago. I watched a Pewdiepie clip & in it he said “lolziholocaust” or something like that. Idky but it stuck in my mind & I conjured up the name Lolzicost. Little tone deaf in hindsight, wasn’t really thinking. Just really liked the name & referencing the biggest youtuber at the time.

My username got me into trouble before (Another Buyer to Block - #23 by PokemonProfessor) but thanks to @smpratte and others, it could be clarified. My name is a common one but I picked it because my PROFession is university professor (psychology and business). If anyone cares, I am also researching collecting behavior in the context of our evolutionary past.


My nickname in middle school was ‘Don’, a shortened form of my real name.

Friends then called me ‘Don Don’ and later someone else added the Japanese honorific ‘-kun’ to make ‘Don Don Kun’. That then became my screen name.

Abbreviated it to ‘DDK’ later as it was easier to say, but that led to people trying to guess what my name stood for. Got lots of funny responses like ‘Dark Dragon Knight’.

Someone then called me ‘Dank Demon King’ and it was too perfect. It just sounded like something an 11 year-old would use as a screen name so I had to adopt it. It’s usually what I tell people DDK stands for even if it wasn’t the original lol.


Iirc, I once used ‘Quuador’ as a random planet name for the game OGame, which was a browser RTS (Real Time Strategy) game where every player had a solar system with their own planets, and they could farm resources; build defenses; and attack planets of others.
I actually still have some documents saved from back then (2007-2009), and apparently I’ve used the following planet names: Triton; Quuador; Xypwageru; Quanatero; Flactero; Agopera; Ykadiboo; Ordimarica; and Arkiabogg. Most of them could be Pokémon names for bug-type Pokémon imo, haha. :sweat_smile:

Anyway, in the distant past Triton was my go-to gametag and username, but since it’s an existing name of a Greek god, and also of a planet, company, etc. that’s derived from that god, it was often already used by someone else. Quuador on the other hand was unique enough that it’s never taken, so I now use it almost everywhere: social media like this forum, reddit, FB, IG, YT, etc. and as gametag (for just Overwatch 2, I don’t play much other games).

But it basically doesn’t mean anything. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, it’s pronounced as: kwu-ah-dor.



I have this nickname since I started to run my own leagues back in 2002. Ho-oh was released the year before and I had to choose a name for the league.
Because Ho-oh had the rainbow burn attack and I like that bird so much, I decided to call the league Rainbowgym.
So over 20 years I have this nickname and it will stay.


Around the time I made my account I was on something of a cricket binge. Point is a fielding position, and if the batter were to be caught there, they would be ‘caught at point’. There’s nothing special about that particular position (caught behind would be much more common), but for some reason it rolled off my tongue. I later found out that someone has a blog by the same name.

To be honest I’m not a fan of it. It feels like the low-hanging fruit sportspeople use when they write autobiographies. “In the Rough”, “Caught Offside”, “In the Fast Lane”, or some such nonsense.


I used to have a few usernames but they were character or game based (my firsts were Drake for rpgs centered around one character and Ninjapuff during my Smashbros days). At some point I got tired of trying to create unique names for each new game and wanted to use a universal one.

I was in the habit of making names for Pokemon from different languages or words. For example my Lucario was named Domura - Dominating Aura. Volcarona would be Vagalume (Portuguese for Firefly). At the time I always named Gyarados Leviathan but didn’t want to use my favorite Pokemon’s name. So I used the same scheme combining my love of Gyarados, my favorite color, and my love of Dragons all in one:

Azul = Spanish/Portuguese for “Blue”
Ryu = Japan for “Dragon”



Mine is an anagram of my full name with an “s” added because JAW sounds weird. Also, I do happen to like sharks and other marine life. And no, I haven’t seen the movie Jaws for whatever reason. I even own a copy of it on Laserdisc lol


Cerulean City has always been my favorite city in all of the Pokemon games.

I remember spending so much time in Mt. Moon trying to get out of the damn cave. When I finally got out and crossed over the small route outside the cave (Route 4 I believe), I felt so happy to finally get to a new city…and I was greeted by this incredible theme that hits every nostalgia bone in my body:

That was 25 years ago, and it still resonates.

Cerulean City will always have a special place in my heart.

P.S. The fact that they didn’t remix the Cerulean City theme for G/S/C has always bothered me. They just gave it the remixed Viridian City theme. Guess they didn’t have enough space on the cartridge for more music. Oh well.


I have a usual name I default to, but sometimes I like to mix it up and use something else like I did here. Coil is just Magnemite’s Japanese (and Korean and Thai) name. It’s short and simple plus I didn’t want didn’t want to be too obvious by using Magnemite.