Holofoil pattern change after Call of Legends

Hi! I’ve tried to find an answer to this but I can’t seem to find one on Google so hopefully efour can help me out! I was wondering why the holofoil pattern changed after Call of Legends. From Black and White onwards they stopped using the old holofoil pattern, except on promos I believe, and I don’t know why. The new holofoil pattern, like the Sword and Shield ones, don’t really visually appeal and honestly take away from some really nice art.

I’ve tried asking on other forums (reddit) to no avail so I’m hopeful someone here knows the answer. Thank you!

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I am not sure why the change was made, but I agree the new holo style looks super cheap and ugly. It’s gotten to the point where holo cards aren’t considered a hit anymore. I personally don’t collect modern, but I can imagine the frustration with those cards holos.


Probably just boils down to corporate innovators changing things up to make their product more appealing. I agree it looks terrible. Even the new promos that still have the old holo pattern are extremely susceptible to bowing and curving.

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New foil patterns are like new flavors of chips. Companies need to evolve there product line to stay relevant and appeal to new customers to sustain growth for there shareholders.

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Ya I noticed this as well. In my opinion regular holo’s died after Wotc. I might collect ex era thru diamond and pearl holo’s but after that holo’s are not desired. It’s full art or gold card or rainbow rare etc. Also I can’t stand the foreign writing design and multiples of same Pokemon in every set for X and y ex cards full arts etc

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I agree that English holos since the release of Black and White have been really lackluster apart from Promos. I wish they would go back to the old style. I also wish they would do something new with the reverse holos - they have been quite similar for long time as well. I love the ex era reverses where every set had it’s own unique reverse holo pattern. I wish they would go back to something like that.

Modern Japanese holos look much better than English, but them having a holo border probably is the reason why they look so much nicer than their English counterparts.


@xzini I really like the new Japanese backs too but at the same time I don’t mind the plain old poke ball

A very minimal amount of the player/collector base cares about modern holos, like they straight up sell for 30 cents if not less a piece

you could say that the endless supply is what has done them in, but it seems pretty clear that their demand is near zero due to the stylistic choice. They appeal to almost no one is what I’m saying

“If it’s broke, don’t fix it. Or at least, don’t completely muck it up.”


I think part of the issue with modern holos is that Rare holos are ubiquitous and aren’t considered the most rare cards in a set. With Secret rares, ultra rares, FA, Prism Rares,Shiny Holo, Hyper Rares,and whatever other type of holo pattern that exist, the Standard Holo Rare is dead. Evolutions changed up the holo pattern and brought it back to a similar “star foil” design but at the end of the day, it’s just modern bulk.

I wouldn’t be surprised if twenty years down the road people are saying how much they miss the Sun&Moon/Sword&Shield type holos. Nothing is ever cool when the market is saturated with supply.

Unpopular opinion, I prefer the Base 2 Cosmos foil pattern to The Base star foil pattern.

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I agree the new holos look awful. But because they are low down on the rarity scale these days Pokemon probably don’t care and have no inclination to try and make them look nice. Seems odd to me as a fan of WOTC era but hey ho.

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Sometimes change is necessary but God do a opinion poll or something Pokemon company. Look for feedback from the community. There is no way that vote would win. Modern is such crap to open. One full art maybe one secret rare. Both worth $5-$10 a piece and the other 34 packs are trash. Very fun and disappointing to open